/ *
Copyright 2024 The Flux authors
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package main
import (
const (
trustPolicy = "./testdata/create_secret/notation/test-trust-policy.json"
invalidTrustPolicy = "./testdata/create_secret/notation/invalid-trust-policy.json"
invalidJson = "./testdata/create_secret/notation/invalid.json"
testCertFolder = "./testdata/create_secret/notation"
func TestCreateNotationSecret ( t * testing . T ) {
crt , err := os . Create ( filepath . Join ( t . TempDir ( ) , "ca.crt" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "could not create ca.crt file" )
pem , err := os . Create ( filepath . Join ( t . TempDir ( ) , "ca.pem" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "could not create ca.pem file" )
invalidCert , err := os . Create ( filepath . Join ( t . TempDir ( ) , "ca.p12" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "could not create ca.p12 file" )
_ , err = crt . Write ( [ ] byte ( "ca-data-crt" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "could not write to crt certificate file" )
_ , err = pem . Write ( [ ] byte ( "ca-data-pem" ) )
if err != nil {
t . Fatal ( "could not write to pem certificate file" )
tests := [ ] struct {
name string
args string
assert assertFunc
} {
name : "no args" ,
args : "create secret notation" ,
assert : assertError ( "name is required" ) ,
} ,
name : "no trust policy" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s" , testCertFolder ) ,
assert : assertError ( "--trust-policy-file is required" ) ,
} ,
name : "no cert" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --trust-policy-file=%s" , trustPolicy ) ,
assert : assertError ( "--ca-cert-file is required" ) ,
} ,
name : "non pem and crt cert" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s --trust-policy-file=%s" , invalidCert . Name ( ) , trustPolicy ) ,
assert : assertError ( "ca.p12 must end with either .crt or .pem" ) ,
} ,
name : "invalid trust policy" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s --trust-policy-file=%s" , t . TempDir ( ) , invalidTrustPolicy ) ,
assert : assertError ( "invalid trust policy: trust policy: a trust policy statement is missing a name, every statement requires a name" ) ,
} ,
name : "invalid trust policy json" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s --trust-policy-file=%s" , t . TempDir ( ) , invalidJson ) ,
assert : assertError ( fmt . Sprintf ( "failed to unmarshal trust policy %s: json: cannot unmarshal string into Go value of type trustpolicy.Document" , invalidJson ) ) ,
} ,
name : "crt secret" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s --trust-policy-file=%s --namespace=my-namespace --export" , crt . Name ( ) , trustPolicy ) ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "./testdata/create_secret/notation/secret-ca-crt.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "pem secret" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s --trust-policy-file=%s --namespace=my-namespace --export" , pem . Name ( ) , trustPolicy ) ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "./testdata/create_secret/notation/secret-ca-pem.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "multi secret" ,
args : fmt . Sprintf ( "create secret notation notation-config --ca-cert-file=%s --ca-cert-file=%s --trust-policy-file=%s --namespace=my-namespace --export" , crt . Name ( ) , pem . Name ( ) , trustPolicy ) ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "./testdata/create_secret/notation/secret-ca-multi.yaml" ) ,
} ,
for _ , tt := range tests {
t . Run ( tt . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
defer func ( ) {
secretNotationArgs = secretNotationFlags { }
} ( )
cmd := cmdTestCase {
args : tt . args ,
assert : tt . assert ,
cmd . runTestCmd ( t )
} )