/ *
Copyright 2020 The Flux authors
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package main
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
_ "k8s.io/client-go/plugin/pkg/client/auth"
ctrllog "sigs.k8s.io/controller-runtime/pkg/log"
runclient "github.com/fluxcd/pkg/runtime/client"
var VERSION = "0.0.0-dev.0"
var rootCmd = & cobra . Command {
Use : "flux" ,
Version : VERSION ,
SilenceUsage : true ,
SilenceErrors : true ,
Short : "Command line utility for assembling Kubernetes CD pipelines" ,
Long : `
Command line utility for assembling Kubernetes CD pipelines the GitOps way . ` ,
Example : ` # Check prerequisites
flux check -- pre
# Install the latest version of Flux
flux install
# Create a source for a public Git repository
flux create source git webapp - latest \
-- url = https : //github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo \
-- branch = master \
-- interval = 3 m
# List GitRepository sources and their status
flux get sources git
# Trigger a GitRepository source reconciliation
flux reconcile source git flux - system
# Export GitRepository sources in YAML format
flux export source git -- all > sources . yaml
# Create a Kustomization for deploying a series of microservices
flux create kustomization webapp - dev \
-- source = webapp - latest \
-- path = "./deploy/webapp/" \
-- prune = true \
-- interval = 5 m \
-- health - check = "Deployment/backend.webapp" \
-- health - check = "Deployment/frontend.webapp" \
-- health - check - timeout = 2 m
# Trigger a git sync of the Kustomization ' s source and apply changes
flux reconcile kustomization webapp - dev -- with - source
# Suspend a Kustomization reconciliation
flux suspend kustomization webapp - dev
# Export Kustomizations in YAML format
flux export kustomization -- all > kustomizations . yaml
# Resume a Kustomization reconciliation
flux resume kustomization webapp - dev
# Delete a Kustomization
flux delete kustomization webapp - dev
# Delete a GitRepository source
flux delete source git webapp - latest
# Uninstall Flux and delete CRDs
flux uninstall ` ,
PersistentPreRunE : func ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
ns , err := cmd . Flags ( ) . GetString ( "namespace" )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "error getting namespace: %w" , err )
if e := validation . IsDNS1123Label ( ns ) ; len ( e ) > 0 {
return fmt . Errorf ( "namespace must be a valid DNS label: %q" , ns )
return nil
} ,
var logger = stderrLogger { stderr : os . Stderr }
type rootFlags struct {
timeout time . Duration
verbose bool
pollInterval time . Duration
defaults install . Options
// RequestError is a custom error type that wraps an error returned by the flux api.
type RequestError struct {
StatusCode int
Err error
func ( r * RequestError ) Error ( ) string {
return r . Err . Error ( )
var rootArgs = NewRootFlags ( )
var kubeconfigArgs = genericclioptions . NewConfigFlags ( false )
var kubeclientOptions = new ( runclient . Options )
func init ( ) {
rootCmd . PersistentFlags ( ) . DurationVar ( & rootArgs . timeout , "timeout" , 5 * time . Minute , "timeout for this operation" )
rootCmd . PersistentFlags ( ) . BoolVar ( & rootArgs . verbose , "verbose" , false , "print generated objects" )
configureDefaultNamespace ( )
kubeconfigArgs . APIServer = nil // prevent AddFlags from configuring --server flag
kubeconfigArgs . Timeout = nil // prevent AddFlags from configuring --request-timeout flag, we have --timeout instead
kubeconfigArgs . AddFlags ( rootCmd . PersistentFlags ( ) )
// Since some subcommands use the `-s` flag as a short version for `--silent`, we manually configure the server flag
// without the `-s` short version. While we're no longer on par with kubectl's flags, we maintain backwards compatibility
// on the CLI interface.
apiServer := ""
kubeconfigArgs . APIServer = & apiServer
rootCmd . PersistentFlags ( ) . StringVar ( kubeconfigArgs . APIServer , "server" , * kubeconfigArgs . APIServer , "The address and port of the Kubernetes API server" )
// Update the description for kubeconfig TLS flags so that user's don't mistake it for a Flux specific flag
rootCmd . Flag ( "insecure-skip-tls-verify" ) . Usage = "If true, the Kubernetes API server's certificate will not be checked for validity. This will make your HTTPS connections insecure"
rootCmd . Flag ( "client-certificate" ) . Usage = "Path to a client certificate file for TLS authentication to the Kubernetes API server"
rootCmd . Flag ( "certificate-authority" ) . Usage = "Path to a cert file for the certificate authority to authenticate the Kubernetes API server"
rootCmd . Flag ( "client-key" ) . Usage = "Path to a client key file for TLS authentication to the Kubernetes API server"
kubeclientOptions . BindFlags ( rootCmd . PersistentFlags ( ) )
rootCmd . RegisterFlagCompletionFunc ( "context" , contextsCompletionFunc )
rootCmd . RegisterFlagCompletionFunc ( "namespace" , resourceNamesCompletionFunc ( corev1 . SchemeGroupVersion . WithKind ( "Namespace" ) ) )
rootCmd . DisableAutoGenTag = true
rootCmd . SetOut ( os . Stdout )
func NewRootFlags ( ) rootFlags {
rf := rootFlags {
pollInterval : 2 * time . Second ,
defaults : install . MakeDefaultOptions ( ) ,
rf . defaults . Version = "v" + VERSION
return rf
func main ( ) {
log . SetFlags ( 0 )
// This is required because controller-runtime expects its consumers to
// set a logger through log.SetLogger within 30 seconds of the program's
// initalization. If not set, the entire debug stack is printed as an
// error, see: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/controller-runtime/blob/ed8be90/pkg/log/log.go#L59
// Since we have our own logging and don't care about controller-runtime's
// logger, we configure it's logger to do nothing.
ctrllog . SetLogger ( logr . New ( ctrllog . NullLogSink { } ) )
if err := rootCmd . Execute ( ) ; err != nil {
if err , ok := err . ( * RequestError ) ; ok {
if err . StatusCode == 1 {
logger . Warningf ( "%v" , err )
} else {
logger . Failuref ( "%v" , err )
os . Exit ( err . StatusCode )
logger . Failuref ( "%v" , err )
os . Exit ( 1 )
func configureDefaultNamespace ( ) {
* kubeconfigArgs . Namespace = rootArgs . defaults . Namespace
fromEnv := os . Getenv ( "FLUX_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE" )
if fromEnv != "" {
// namespace must be a valid DNS label. Assess against validation
// used upstream, and ignore invalid values as environment vars
// may not be actively provided by end-user.
if e := validation . IsDNS1123Label ( fromEnv ) ; len ( e ) > 0 {
logger . Warningf ( " ignoring invalid FLUX_SYSTEM_NAMESPACE: %q" , fromEnv )
kubeconfigArgs . Namespace = & fromEnv
// readPasswordFromStdin reads a password from stdin and returns the input
// with trailing newline and/or carriage return removed. It also makes sure that terminal
// echoing is turned off if stdin is a terminal.
func readPasswordFromStdin ( prompt string ) ( string , error ) {
var out string
var err error
fmt . Fprint ( os . Stdout , prompt )
stdinFD := int ( os . Stdin . Fd ( ) )
if term . IsTerminal ( stdinFD ) {
var inBytes [ ] byte
inBytes , err = term . ReadPassword ( int ( os . Stdin . Fd ( ) ) )
out = string ( inBytes )
} else {
out , err = bufio . NewReader ( os . Stdin ) . ReadString ( '\n' )
if err != nil {
return "" , fmt . Errorf ( "could not read from stdin: %w" , err )
fmt . Println ( )
return strings . TrimRight ( out , "\r\n" ) , nil
func withPreviewNote ( desc string ) string {
previewNote := ` ⚠ ️ Please note that this command is in preview and under development .
While we try our best to not introduce breaking changes , they may occur when
we adapt to new features and / or find better ways to facilitate what it does . `
return fmt . Sprintf ( "%s\n\n%s" , strings . TrimSpace ( desc ) , previewNote )