21 lines
990 B

The maintainers are generally available in Slack at
https://cloud-native.slack.com in #flux (https://cloud-native.slack.com/messages/CLAJ40HV3)
(obtain an invitation at https://slack.cncf.io/).
These maintainers are shared with other Flux v2-related git
repositories under https://github.com/fluxcd, as noted in their
respective MAINTAINERS files.
For convenience, they are reflected in the GitHub team
@fluxcd/flux2-maintainers -- if the list here changes, that team also
In alphabetical order:
Aurel Canciu, NexHealth <aurel.canciu@nexhealth.com> (github: @relu, slack: relu)
Hidde Beydals, Weaveworks <hidde@weave.works> (github: @hiddeco, slack: hidde)
Max Jonas Werner, D2iQ <max@e13.dev> (github: @makkes, slack: max)
Philip Laine, Xenit <philip.laine@xenit.se> (github: @phillebaba, slack: phillebaba)
Stefan Prodan, Weaveworks <stefan@weave.works> (github: @stefanprodan, slack: stefanprodan)
Sunny, Weaveworks <sunny@weave.works> (github: @darkowlzz, slack: darkowlzz)