//go:build unit
// +build unit
/ *
Copyright 2021 The Flux authors
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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* /
package main
import (
apimeta "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/meta"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
sourcev1 "github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/api/v1"
var pollInterval = 50 * time . Millisecond
var testTimeout = 10 * time . Second
// Update the GitRepository once created to exercise test specific behavior
type reconcileFunc func ( repo * sourcev1 . GitRepository )
// reconciler waits for an object to be created, then invokes a test supplied
// function to mutate that object, simulating a controller.
// Test should invoke run() to run the background reconciler task which
// polls to wait for the object to exist before applying the update function.
// Any errors from the reconciler are asserted on test completion.
type reconciler struct {
client client . Client
name types . NamespacedName
reconcile reconcileFunc
// Start the background task that waits for the object to exist then applies
// the update function.
func ( r * reconciler ) run ( t * testing . T ) {
result := make ( chan error )
go func ( ) {
defer close ( result )
err := wait . PollImmediate (
pollInterval ,
testTimeout ,
r . conditionFunc )
result <- err
} ( )
t . Cleanup ( func ( ) {
if err := <- result ; err != nil {
t . Errorf ( "Failure from test reconciler: '%v':" , err . Error ( ) )
} )
// A ConditionFunction that waits for the named GitRepository to be created,
// then sets the ready condition to true.
func ( r * reconciler ) conditionFunc ( ) ( bool , error ) {
var repo sourcev1 . GitRepository
if err := r . client . Get ( context . Background ( ) , r . name , & repo ) ; err != nil {
if errors . IsNotFound ( err ) {
return false , nil // Keep polling until object is created
return true , err
r . reconcile ( & repo )
err := r . client . Status ( ) . Update ( context . Background ( ) , & repo )
return true , err
func TestCreateSourceGitExport ( t * testing . T ) {
var command = "create source git podinfo --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --branch=master --ignore-paths .cosign,non-existent-dir/ -n default --interval 1m --export --timeout=" + testTimeout . String ( )
cases := [ ] struct {
name string
args string
assert assertFunc
} {
"ExportSucceeded" ,
command ,
assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/export.golden" ) ,
} ,
name : "no args" ,
args : "create secret git" ,
assert : assertError ( "name is required" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with commit" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --commit=c88a2f41 --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "./testdata/create_source_git/source-git-commit.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with ref name" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --ref-name=refs/heads/main --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-refname.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with branch name and commit" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --branch=main --commit=c88a2f41 --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-branch-commit.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with semver" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --tag-semver=v1.01 --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-semver.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with git tag" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --tag=test --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-tag.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with git branch" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --branch=test --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-branch.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with generic provider" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --provider generic --branch=test --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-provider-generic.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with azure provider" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://dev.azure.com/foo/bar/_git/podinfo --provider azure --branch=test --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-provider-azure.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with github provider" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --provider github --branch=test --interval=1m0s --secret-ref appinfo --export" ,
assert : assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/source-git-provider-github.yaml" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with invalid provider" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://dev.azure.com/foo/bar/_git/podinfo --provider dummy --branch=test --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertError ( "invalid argument \"dummy\" for \"--provider\" flag: source Git provider 'dummy' is not supported, must be one of: generic|azure|github" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with empty provider" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://dev.azure.com/foo/bar/_git/podinfo --provider \"\" --branch=test --interval=1m0s --export" ,
assert : assertError ( "invalid argument \"\" for \"--provider\" flag: no source Git provider given, please specify the Git provider name" ) ,
} ,
name : "source with no provider" ,
args : "create source git podinfo --namespace=flux-system --url=https://dev.azure.com/foo/bar/_git/podinfo --branch=test --interval=1m0s --export --provider" ,
assert : assertError ( "flag needs an argument: --provider" ) ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
cmd := cmdTestCase {
args : tc . args ,
assert : tc . assert ,
cmd . runTestCmd ( t )
} )
func TestCreateSourceGit ( t * testing . T ) {
// Default command used for multiple tests
var command = "create source git podinfo --url=https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo --branch=master --timeout=" + testTimeout . String ( )
cases := [ ] struct {
name string
args string
assert assertFunc
reconcile reconcileFunc
} {
"NoArgs" ,
"create source git" ,
assertError ( "name is required" ) ,
nil ,
} , {
"Succeeded" ,
command ,
assertGoldenFile ( "testdata/create_source_git/success.golden" ) ,
func ( repo * sourcev1 . GitRepository ) {
newCondition := metav1 . Condition {
Type : meta . ReadyCondition ,
Status : metav1 . ConditionTrue ,
Reason : sourcev1 . GitOperationSucceedReason ,
Message : "succeeded message" ,
ObservedGeneration : repo . GetGeneration ( ) ,
apimeta . SetStatusCondition ( & repo . Status . Conditions , newCondition )
repo . Status . Artifact = & sourcev1 . Artifact {
Path : "some-path" ,
Revision : "v1" ,
LastUpdateTime : metav1 . Time {
Time : time . Now ( ) ,
} ,
repo . Status . ObservedGeneration = repo . GetGeneration ( )
} ,
} , {
"Failed" ,
command ,
assertError ( "failed message" ) ,
func ( repo * sourcev1 . GitRepository ) {
stalledCondition := metav1 . Condition {
Type : meta . StalledCondition ,
Status : metav1 . ConditionTrue ,
Reason : sourcev1 . URLInvalidReason ,
Message : "failed message" ,
ObservedGeneration : repo . GetGeneration ( ) ,
apimeta . SetStatusCondition ( & repo . Status . Conditions , stalledCondition )
newCondition := metav1 . Condition {
Type : meta . ReadyCondition ,
Status : metav1 . ConditionFalse ,
Reason : sourcev1 . URLInvalidReason ,
Message : "failed message" ,
ObservedGeneration : repo . GetGeneration ( ) ,
apimeta . SetStatusCondition ( & repo . Status . Conditions , newCondition )
repo . Status . ObservedGeneration = repo . GetGeneration ( )
} ,
} , {
"NoArtifact" ,
command ,
assertError ( "GitRepository source reconciliation completed but no artifact was found" ) ,
func ( repo * sourcev1 . GitRepository ) {
// Updated with no artifact
newCondition := metav1 . Condition {
Type : meta . ReadyCondition ,
Status : metav1 . ConditionTrue ,
Reason : sourcev1 . GitOperationSucceedReason ,
Message : "succeeded message" ,
ObservedGeneration : repo . GetGeneration ( ) ,
apimeta . SetStatusCondition ( & repo . Status . Conditions , newCondition )
repo . Status . ObservedGeneration = repo . GetGeneration ( )
} ,
} ,
for _ , tc := range cases {
t . Run ( tc . name , func ( t * testing . T ) {
ns := allocateNamespace ( "podinfo" )
setupTestNamespace ( ns , t )
if tc . reconcile != nil {
r := reconciler {
client : testEnv . client ,
name : types . NamespacedName { Namespace : ns , Name : "podinfo" } ,
reconcile : tc . reconcile ,
r . run ( t )
cmd := cmdTestCase {
args : tc . args + " -n=" + ns ,
assert : tc . assert ,
cmd . runTestCmd ( t )
} )