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5 years ago
// Copyright 2017 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
// Copyright 2020 The FluxCD contributors. All rights reserved.
// This package provides an in-memory known hosts database
// derived from the golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/knownhosts
// package.
// It has been slightly modified and adapted to work with
// in-memory host keys not related to any known_hosts files
// on disk, and the database can be initialized with just a
// known_hosts byte blob.
// https://pkg.go.dev/golang.org/x/crypto/ssh/knownhosts
package knownhosts
import (
const edKeyStr = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIGBAarftlLeoyf+v+nVchEZII/vna2PCV8FaX4vsF5BX"
const alternateEdKeyStr = "ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIIXffBYeYL+WVzVru8npl5JHt2cjlr4ornFTWzoij9sx"
const ecKeyStr = "ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBNLCu01+wpXe3xB5olXCN4SqU2rQu0qjSRKJO4Bg+JRCPU+ENcgdA5srTU8xYDz/GEa4dzK5ldPw4J/gZgSXCMs="
var ecKey, alternateEdKey, edKey ssh.PublicKey
var testAddr = &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IP{198, 41, 30, 196},
Port: 22,
var testAddr6 = &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IP{198, 41, 30, 196,
1, 2, 3, 4,
1, 2, 3, 4,
1, 2, 3, 4,
Port: 22,
func init() {
var err error
ecKey, _, _, _, err = ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(ecKeyStr))
if err != nil {
edKey, _, _, _, err = ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(edKeyStr))
if err != nil {
alternateEdKey, _, _, _, err = ssh.ParseAuthorizedKey([]byte(alternateEdKeyStr))
if err != nil {
func testDB(t *testing.T, s string) *inMemoryHostKeyDB {
db := newInMemoryHostKeyDB()
if err := db.Read(bytes.NewBufferString(s)); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Read: %v", err)
return db
func TestRevoked(t *testing.T) {
db := testDB(t, "\n\n@revoked * "+edKeyStr+"\n")
want := &knownhosts.RevokedError{
Revoked: knownhosts.KnownKey{
Key: edKey,
if err := db.check("", &net.TCPAddr{
Port: 42,
}, edKey); err == nil {
t.Fatal("no error for revoked key")
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, err) {
t.Fatalf("got %#v, want %#v", want, err)
func TestHostAuthority(t *testing.T) {
for _, m := range []struct {
authorityFor string
address string
good bool
{authorityFor: "localhost", address: "localhost:22", good: true},
{authorityFor: "localhost", address: "localhost", good: false},
{authorityFor: "localhost", address: "localhost:1234", good: false},
{authorityFor: "[localhost]:1234", address: "localhost:1234", good: true},
{authorityFor: "[localhost]:1234", address: "localhost:22", good: false},
{authorityFor: "[localhost]:1234", address: "localhost", good: false},
} {
db := testDB(t, `@cert-authority `+m.authorityFor+` `+edKeyStr)
if ok := db.IsHostAuthority(db.hostKeys[0].key, m.address); ok != m.good {
t.Errorf("IsHostAuthority: authority %s, address %s, wanted good = %v, got good = %v",
m.authorityFor, m.address, m.good, ok)
func TestBracket(t *testing.T) {
db := testDB(t, `[git.eclipse.org]:29418,[]:29418 `+edKeyStr)
if err := db.check("git.eclipse.org:29418", &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IP{198, 41, 30, 196},
Port: 29418,
}, edKey); err != nil {
t.Errorf("got error %v, want none", err)
if err := db.check("git.eclipse.org:29419", &net.TCPAddr{
Port: 42,
}, edKey); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("no error for unknown address")
} else if ke, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Fatalf("got type %T, want *KeyError", err)
} else if len(ke.Want) > 0 {
t.Fatalf("got Want %v, want []", ke.Want)
func TestNewKeyType(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", testAddr, edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("", testAddr, ecKey); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("no error for unknown address")
} else if ke, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Fatalf("got type %T, want *KeyError", err)
} else if len(ke.Want) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("got empty KeyError.Want")
func TestSameKeyType(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", testAddr, edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("", testAddr, alternateEdKey); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("no error for unknown address")
} else if ke, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Fatalf("got type %T, want *KeyError", err)
} else if len(ke.Want) == 0 {
t.Fatalf("got empty KeyError.Want")
} else if got, want := ke.Want[0].Key.Marshal(), edKey.Marshal(); !bytes.Equal(got, want) {
t.Fatalf("got key %q, want %q", got, want)
func TestIPAddress(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", testAddr, edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("", testAddr, edKey); err != nil {
t.Errorf("got error %q, want none", err)
func TestIPv6Address(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", testAddr6, edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("", testAddr6, edKey); err != nil {
t.Errorf("got error %q, want none", err)
func TestBasic(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("#comment\n\nserver.org,%s %s\notherhost %s", testAddr, edKeyStr, ecKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("server.org:22", testAddr, edKey); err != nil {
t.Errorf("got error %v, want none", err)
want := knownhosts.KnownKey{
Key: edKey,
if err := db.check("server.org:22", testAddr, ecKey); err == nil {
t.Errorf("succeeded, want KeyError")
} else if ke, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Errorf("got %T, want *KeyError", err)
} else if len(ke.Want) != 1 {
t.Errorf("got %v, want 1 entry", ke)
} else if !reflect.DeepEqual(ke.Want[0], want) {
t.Errorf("got %v, want %v", ke.Want[0], want)
func TestHostNamePrecedence(t *testing.T) {
var evilAddr = &net.TCPAddr{
IP: net.IP{66, 66, 66, 66},
Port: 22,
str := fmt.Sprintf("server.org,%s %s\nevil.org,%s %s", testAddr, edKeyStr, evilAddr, ecKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("server.org:22", evilAddr, ecKey); err == nil {
t.Errorf("check succeeded")
} else if _, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Errorf("got %T, want *KeyError", err)
func TestDBOrderingPrecedenceKeyType(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("server.org,%s %s\nserver.org,%s %s", testAddr, edKeyStr, testAddr, alternateEdKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("server.org:22", testAddr, alternateEdKey); err == nil {
t.Errorf("check succeeded")
} else if _, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Errorf("got %T, want *KeyError", err)
func TestNegate(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s,!server.org %s", testAddr, edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check("server.org:22", testAddr, ecKey); err == nil {
} else if ke, ok := err.(*knownhosts.KeyError); !ok {
t.Errorf("got error type %T, want *KeyError", err)
} else if len(ke.Want) != 0 {
t.Errorf("got expected keys %d (first of type %s), want []", len(ke.Want), ke.Want[0].Key.Type())
func TestWildcard(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("server*.domain %s", edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
want := &knownhosts.KeyError{
Want: []knownhosts.KnownKey{{
Key: edKey,
got := db.check("server.domain:22", &net.TCPAddr{}, ecKey)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got %s, want %s", got, want)
func TestWildcardMatch(t *testing.T) {
for _, c := range []struct {
pat, str string
want bool
{"a?b", "abb", true},
{"ab", "abc", false},
{"abc", "ab", false},
{"a*b", "axxxb", true},
{"a*b", "axbxb", true},
{"a*b", "axbxbc", false},
{"a*?", "axbxc", true},
{"a*b*", "axxbxxxxxx", true},
{"a*b*c", "axxbxxxxxxc", true},
{"a*b*?", "axxbxxxxxxc", true},
{"a*b*z", "axxbxxbxxxz", true},
{"a*b*z", "axxbxxzxxxz", true},
{"a*b*z", "axxbxxzxxx", false},
} {
got := wildcardMatch([]byte(c.pat), []byte(c.str))
if got != c.want {
t.Errorf("wildcardMatch(%q, %q) = %v, want %v", c.pat, c.str, got, c.want)
// TODO(hanwen): test coverage for certificates.
const testHostname = "hostname"
// generated with keygen -H -f
const encodedTestHostnameHash = "|1|IHXZvQMvTcZTUU29+2vXFgx8Frs=|UGccIWfRVDwilMBnA3WJoRAC75Y="
func TestHostHash(t *testing.T) {
testHostHash(t, testHostname, encodedTestHostnameHash)
func TestHashList(t *testing.T) {
encoded := knownhosts.HashHostname(testHostname)
testHostHash(t, testHostname, encoded)
func testHostHash(t *testing.T, hostname, encoded string) {
typ, salt, hash, err := decodeHash(encoded)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("decodeHash: %v", err)
if got := encodeHash(typ, salt, hash); got != encoded {
t.Errorf("got encoding %s want %s", got, encoded)
if typ != sha1HashType {
t.Fatalf("got hash type %q, want %q", typ, sha1HashType)
got := hashHost(hostname, salt)
if !bytes.Equal(got, hash) {
t.Errorf("got hash %x want %x", got, hash)
func TestHashedHostkeyCheck(t *testing.T) {
str := fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", knownhosts.HashHostname(testHostname), edKeyStr)
db := testDB(t, str)
if err := db.check(testHostname+":22", testAddr, edKey); err != nil {
t.Errorf("check(%s): %v", testHostname, err)
want := &knownhosts.KeyError{
Want: []knownhosts.KnownKey{{
Key: edKey,
if got := db.check(testHostname+":22", testAddr, alternateEdKey); !reflect.DeepEqual(got, want) {
t.Errorf("got error %v, want %v", got, want)