Once the sealed-secrets controller is installed, the admin fetches the
public key and shares it with the teams that operate on the fleet clusters via Git.
When a team member wants to create a Kubernetes Secret on a cluster,
they uses kubeseal and the public key corresponding to that cluster to generate a SealedSecret.
Assuming a team member wants to deploy an application that needs to connect
to a database using a username and password, they'll be doing the following:
* create a Kubernetes Secret manifest locally with the db credentials e.g. `db-auth.yaml`
* encrypt the secret with kubeseal as `db-auth-sealed.yaml`
* delete the original secret file `db-auth.yaml`
* create a Kubernetes Deployment manifest for the app e.g. `app-deployment.yaml`
* add the Secret to the Deployment manifest as a [volume mount or env var](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#using-secrets) using the original name `db-auth`
* commit the manifests `db-auth-sealed.yaml` and `app-deployment.yaml` to a Git repository that's being synced by the GitOps toolkit controllers
Once the manifests have been pushed to the Git repository, the following happens:
* source-controller pulls the changes from Git
* kustomize-controller applies the SealedSecret and the Deployment manifests
* sealed-secrets controller decrypts the SealedSecret and creates a Kubernetes Secret
* kubelet creates the pods and mounts the secret as a volume or env variable inside the app container