/ *
Copyright 2020 The Flux authors
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package main
import (
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
var bootstrapGitLabCmd = & cobra . Command {
Use : "gitlab" ,
Short : "Bootstrap toolkit components in a GitLab repository" ,
Long : ` The bootstrap gitlab command creates the GitLab repository if it doesn ' t exists and
commits the toolkit components manifests to the master branch .
Then it configures the target cluster to synchronize with the repository .
If the toolkit components are present on the cluster ,
the bootstrap command will perform an upgrade if needed . ` ,
Example : ` # Create a GitLab API token and export it as an env var
export GITLAB_TOKEN = < my - token >
# Run bootstrap for a private repo using HTTPS token authentication
flux bootstrap gitlab -- owner = < group > -- repository = < repo name > -- token - auth
# Run bootstrap for a private repo using SSH authentication
flux bootstrap gitlab -- owner = < group > -- repository = < repo name >
# Run bootstrap for a repository path
flux bootstrap gitlab -- owner = < group > -- repository = < repo name > -- path = dev - cluster
# Run bootstrap for a public repository on a personal account
flux bootstrap gitlab -- owner = < user > -- repository = < repo name > -- private = false -- personal -- token - auth
# Run bootstrap for a private repo hosted on a GitLab server
flux bootstrap gitlab -- owner = < group > -- repository = < repo name > -- hostname = < domain > -- token - auth
# Run bootstrap for a an existing repository with a branch named main
flux bootstrap gitlab -- owner = < organization > -- repository = < repo name > -- branch = main -- token - auth
` ,
RunE : bootstrapGitLabCmdRun ,
const (
gitlabProjectRegex = ` \A[[:alnum:]\x { 00A9}-\x { 1f9ff}_][[:alnum:]\p { Pd}\x { 00A9}-\x { 1f9ff}_\.]*\z `
type gitlabFlags struct {
owner string
repository string
interval time . Duration
personal bool
private bool
hostname string
sshHostname string
path flags . SafeRelativePath
var gitlabArgs gitlabFlags
func init ( ) {
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & gitlabArgs . owner , "owner" , "" , "GitLab user or group name" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & gitlabArgs . repository , "repository" , "" , "GitLab repository name" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & gitlabArgs . personal , "personal" , false , "if true, the owner is assumed to be a GitLab user; otherwise a group" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & gitlabArgs . private , "private" , true , "if true, the repository is assumed to be private" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . DurationVar ( & gitlabArgs . interval , "interval" , time . Minute , "sync interval" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & gitlabArgs . hostname , "hostname" , git . GitLabDefaultHostname , "GitLab hostname" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & gitlabArgs . sshHostname , "ssh-hostname" , "" , "GitLab SSH hostname, to be used when the SSH host differs from the HTTPS one" )
bootstrapGitLabCmd . Flags ( ) . Var ( & gitlabArgs . path , "path" , "path relative to the repository root, when specified the cluster sync will be scoped to this path" )
bootstrapCmd . AddCommand ( bootstrapGitLabCmd )
func bootstrapGitLabCmdRun ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
glToken := os . Getenv ( git . GitLabTokenName )
if glToken == "" {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s environment variable not found" , git . GitLabTokenName )
projectNameIsValid , err := regexp . MatchString ( gitlabProjectRegex , gitlabArgs . repository )
if err != nil {
return err
if ! projectNameIsValid {
return fmt . Errorf ( "%s is an invalid project name for gitlab.\nIt can contain only letters, digits, emojis, '_', '.', dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or '_'." , gitlabArgs . repository )
if err := bootstrapValidate ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , rootArgs . timeout )
defer cancel ( )
kubeClient , err := utils . KubeClient ( rootArgs . kubeconfig , rootArgs . kubecontext )
if err != nil {
return err
usedPath , bootstrapPathDiffers := checkIfBootstrapPathDiffers ( ctx , kubeClient , rootArgs . namespace , filepath . ToSlash ( gitlabArgs . path . String ( ) ) )
if bootstrapPathDiffers {
return fmt . Errorf ( "cluster already bootstrapped to %v path" , usedPath )
repository , err := git . NewRepository (
gitlabArgs . repository ,
gitlabArgs . owner ,
gitlabArgs . hostname ,
glToken ,
"flux" ,
gitlabArgs . owner + "@users.noreply.gitlab.com" ,
if err != nil {
return err
if gitlabArgs . sshHostname != "" {
repository . SSHHost = gitlabArgs . sshHostname
tmpDir , err := ioutil . TempDir ( "" , rootArgs . namespace )
if err != nil {
return err
defer os . RemoveAll ( tmpDir )
provider := & git . GitLabProvider {
IsPrivate : gitlabArgs . private ,
IsPersonal : gitlabArgs . personal ,
// create GitLab project if doesn't exists
logger . Actionf ( "connecting to %s" , gitlabArgs . hostname )
changed , err := provider . CreateRepository ( ctx , repository )
if err != nil {
return err
if changed {
logger . Successf ( "repository created" )
// clone repository and checkout the master branch
if err := repository . Checkout ( ctx , bootstrapArgs . branch , tmpDir ) ; err != nil {
return err
logger . Successf ( "repository cloned" )
// generate install manifests
logger . Generatef ( "generating manifests" )
installManifest , err := generateInstallManifests (
gitlabArgs . path . String ( ) ,
rootArgs . namespace ,
tmpDir ,
bootstrapArgs . manifestsPath ,
if err != nil {
return err
// stage install manifests
changed , err = repository . Commit (
ctx ,
path . Join ( gitlabArgs . path . String ( ) , rootArgs . namespace ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Add flux %s components manifests" , bootstrapArgs . version ) ,
if err != nil {
return err
// push install manifests
if changed {
if err := repository . Push ( ctx ) ; err != nil {
return err
logger . Successf ( "components manifests pushed" )
} else {
logger . Successf ( "components are up to date" )
// determine if repo synchronization is working
isInstall := shouldInstallManifests ( ctx , kubeClient , rootArgs . namespace )
if isInstall {
// apply install manifests
logger . Actionf ( "installing components in %s namespace" , rootArgs . namespace )
if err := applyInstallManifests ( ctx , installManifest , bootstrapComponents ( ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
logger . Successf ( "install completed" )
repoURL := repository . GetSSH ( )
secretOpts := sourcesecret . Options {
Name : rootArgs . namespace ,
Namespace : rootArgs . namespace ,
if bootstrapArgs . tokenAuth {
// Setup HTTPS token auth
repoURL = repository . GetURL ( )
secretOpts . Username = "git"
secretOpts . Password = glToken
} else if shouldCreateDeployKey ( ctx , kubeClient , rootArgs . namespace ) {
// Setup SSH auth
u , err := url . Parse ( repoURL )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "git URL parse failed: %w" , err )
secretOpts . SSHHostname = u . Hostname ( )
secretOpts . PrivateKeyAlgorithm = sourcesecret . RSAPrivateKeyAlgorithm
secretOpts . RSAKeyBits = 2048
secret , err := sourcesecret . Generate ( secretOpts )
if err != nil {
return err
var s corev1 . Secret
if err := yaml . Unmarshal ( [ ] byte ( secret . Content ) , & s ) ; err != nil {
return err
if len ( s . StringData ) > 0 {
logger . Actionf ( "configuring deploy key" )
if err := upsertSecret ( ctx , kubeClient , s ) ; err != nil {
return err
if ppk , ok := s . StringData [ sourcesecret . PublicKeySecretKey ] ; ok {
keyName := "flux"
if gitlabArgs . path != "" {
keyName = fmt . Sprintf ( "flux-%s" , gitlabArgs . path )
if changed , err := provider . AddDeployKey ( ctx , repository , ppk , keyName ) ; err != nil {
return err
} else if changed {
logger . Successf ( "deploy key configured" )
// configure repo synchronization
logger . Actionf ( "generating sync manifests" )
syncManifests , err := generateSyncManifests (
repoURL ,
bootstrapArgs . branch ,
rootArgs . namespace ,
rootArgs . namespace ,
filepath . ToSlash ( gitlabArgs . path . String ( ) ) ,
tmpDir ,
gitlabArgs . interval ,
if err != nil {
return err
// commit and push manifests
if changed , err = repository . Commit (
ctx ,
path . Join ( gitlabArgs . path . String ( ) , rootArgs . namespace ) ,
fmt . Sprintf ( "Add flux %s sync manifests" , bootstrapArgs . version ) ,
) ; err != nil {
return err
} else if changed {
if err := repository . Push ( ctx ) ; err != nil {
return err
logger . Successf ( "sync manifests pushed" )
// apply manifests and waiting for sync
logger . Actionf ( "applying sync manifests" )
if err := applySyncManifests ( ctx , kubeClient , rootArgs . namespace , rootArgs . namespace , syncManifests ) ; err != nil {
return err
logger . Successf ( "bootstrap finished" )
return nil