/ *
Copyright 2021 The Flux authors
Licensed under the Apache License , Version 2.0 ( the "License" ) ;
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License .
You may obtain a copy of the License at
http : //www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing , software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS ,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License .
* /
package main
import (
var bootstrapBServerCmd = & cobra . Command {
Use : "bitbucket-server" ,
Short : "Bootstrap toolkit components in a Bitbucket Server repository" ,
Long : ` The bootstrap bitbucket - server command creates the Bitbucket Server repository if it doesn ' t exists and
commits the toolkit components manifests to the master branch .
Then it configures the target cluster to synchronize with the repository .
If the toolkit components are present on the cluster ,
the bootstrap command will perform an upgrade if needed . ` ,
Example : ` # Create a Bitbucket Server API token and export it as an env var
export BITBUCKET_TOKEN = < my - token >
# Run bootstrap for a private repository using HTTPS token authentication
flux bootstrap bitbucket - server -- owner = < project > -- username = < user > -- repository = < repository name > -- hostname = < domain > -- token - auth
# Run bootstrap for a private repository using SSH authentication
flux bootstrap bitbucket - server -- owner = < project > -- username = < user > -- repository = < repository name > -- hostname = < domain >
# Run bootstrap for a repository path
flux bootstrap bitbucket - server -- owner = < project > -- username = < user > -- repository = < repository name > -- path = dev - cluster -- hostname = < domain >
# Run bootstrap for a public repository on a personal account
flux bootstrap bitbucket - server -- owner = < user > -- repository = < repository name > -- private = false -- personal -- hostname = < domain > -- token - auth
# Run bootstrap for a an existing repository with a branch named main
flux bootstrap bitbucket - server -- owner = < project > -- username = < user > -- repository = < repository name > -- branch = main -- hostname = < domain > -- token - auth ` ,
RunE : bootstrapBServerCmdRun ,
const (
bServerDefaultPermission = "push"
bServerTokenEnvVar = "BITBUCKET_TOKEN"
type bServerFlags struct {
owner string
repository string
interval time . Duration
personal bool
username string
private bool
hostname string
path flags . SafeRelativePath
teams [ ] string
readWriteKey bool
reconcile bool
var bServerArgs bServerFlags
func init ( ) {
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & bServerArgs . owner , "owner" , "" , "Bitbucket Server user or project name" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & bServerArgs . repository , "repository" , "" , "Bitbucket Server repository name" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . StringSliceVar ( & bServerArgs . teams , "group" , [ ] string { } , "Bitbucket Server groups to be given write access (also accepts comma-separated values)" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & bServerArgs . personal , "personal" , false , "if true, the owner is assumed to be a Bitbucket Server user; otherwise a group" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVarP ( & bServerArgs . username , "username" , "u" , "git" , "authentication username" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & bServerArgs . private , "private" , true , "if true, the repository is setup or configured as private" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . DurationVar ( & bServerArgs . interval , "interval" , time . Minute , "sync interval" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . StringVar ( & bServerArgs . hostname , "hostname" , "" , "Bitbucket Server hostname" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . Var ( & bServerArgs . path , "path" , "path relative to the repository root, when specified the cluster sync will be scoped to this path" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & bServerArgs . readWriteKey , "read-write-key" , false , "if true, the deploy key is configured with read/write permissions" )
bootstrapBServerCmd . Flags ( ) . BoolVar ( & bServerArgs . reconcile , "reconcile" , false , "if true, the configured options are also reconciled if the repository already exists" )
bootstrapCmd . AddCommand ( bootstrapBServerCmd )
func bootstrapBServerCmdRun ( cmd * cobra . Command , args [ ] string ) error {
bitbucketToken := os . Getenv ( bServerTokenEnvVar )
if bitbucketToken == "" {
var err error
bitbucketToken , err = readPasswordFromStdin ( "Please enter your Bitbucket personal access token (PAT): " )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "could not read token: %w" , err )
if bServerArgs . hostname == "" {
return fmt . Errorf ( "invalid hostname %q" , bServerArgs . hostname )
if err := bootstrapValidate ( ) ; err != nil {
return err
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , rootArgs . timeout )
defer cancel ( )
kubeClient , err := utils . KubeClient ( kubeconfigArgs , kubeclientOptions )
if err != nil {
return err
// Manifest base
if ver , err := getVersion ( bootstrapArgs . version ) ; err == nil {
bootstrapArgs . version = ver
manifestsBase , err := buildEmbeddedManifestBase ( )
if err != nil {
return err
defer os . RemoveAll ( manifestsBase )
user := bServerArgs . username
if bServerArgs . personal {
user = bServerArgs . owner
var caBundle [ ] byte
if bootstrapArgs . caFile != "" {
var err error
caBundle , err = os . ReadFile ( bootstrapArgs . caFile )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "unable to read TLS CA file: %w" , err )
// Build Bitbucket Server provider
providerCfg := provider . Config {
Provider : provider . GitProviderStash ,
Hostname : bServerArgs . hostname ,
Username : user ,
Token : bitbucketToken ,
CaBundle : caBundle ,
providerClient , err := provider . BuildGitProvider ( providerCfg )
if err != nil {
return err
// Lazy go-git repository
tmpDir , err := manifestgen . MkdirTempAbs ( "" , "flux-bootstrap-" )
if err != nil {
return fmt . Errorf ( "failed to create temporary working dir: %w" , err )
defer os . RemoveAll ( tmpDir )
gitClient , err := gogit . NewClient ( tmpDir , & git . AuthOptions {
Transport : git . HTTPS ,
Username : user ,
Password : bitbucketToken ,
CAFile : caBundle ,
} )
if err != nil {
return err
// Install manifest config
installOptions := install . Options {
BaseURL : rootArgs . defaults . BaseURL ,
Version : bootstrapArgs . version ,
Namespace : * kubeconfigArgs . Namespace ,
Components : bootstrapComponents ( ) ,
Registry : bootstrapArgs . registry ,
ImagePullSecret : bootstrapArgs . imagePullSecret ,
WatchAllNamespaces : bootstrapArgs . watchAllNamespaces ,
NetworkPolicy : bootstrapArgs . networkPolicy ,
LogLevel : bootstrapArgs . logLevel . String ( ) ,
NotificationController : rootArgs . defaults . NotificationController ,
ManifestFile : rootArgs . defaults . ManifestFile ,
Timeout : rootArgs . timeout ,
TargetPath : bServerArgs . path . ToSlash ( ) ,
ClusterDomain : bootstrapArgs . clusterDomain ,
TolerationKeys : bootstrapArgs . tolerationKeys ,
if customBaseURL := bootstrapArgs . manifestsPath ; customBaseURL != "" {
installOptions . BaseURL = customBaseURL
// Source generation and secret config
secretOpts := sourcesecret . Options {
Name : bootstrapArgs . secretName ,
Namespace : * kubeconfigArgs . Namespace ,
TargetPath : bServerArgs . path . String ( ) ,
ManifestFile : sourcesecret . MakeDefaultOptions ( ) . ManifestFile ,
if bootstrapArgs . tokenAuth {
if bServerArgs . personal {
secretOpts . Username = bServerArgs . owner
} else {
secretOpts . Username = bServerArgs . username
secretOpts . Password = bitbucketToken
secretOpts . CAFile = caBundle
} else {
keypair , err := sourcesecret . LoadKeyPairFromPath ( bootstrapArgs . privateKeyFile , gitArgs . password )
if err != nil {
return err
secretOpts . Keypair = keypair
secretOpts . PrivateKeyAlgorithm = sourcesecret . PrivateKeyAlgorithm ( bootstrapArgs . keyAlgorithm )
secretOpts . RSAKeyBits = int ( bootstrapArgs . keyRSABits )
secretOpts . ECDSACurve = bootstrapArgs . keyECDSACurve . Curve
secretOpts . SSHHostname = bServerArgs . hostname
if bootstrapArgs . sshHostname != "" {
secretOpts . SSHHostname = bootstrapArgs . sshHostname
// Sync manifest config
syncOpts := sync . Options {
Interval : bServerArgs . interval ,
Name : * kubeconfigArgs . Namespace ,
Namespace : * kubeconfigArgs . Namespace ,
Branch : bootstrapArgs . branch ,
Secret : bootstrapArgs . secretName ,
TargetPath : bServerArgs . path . ToSlash ( ) ,
ManifestFile : sync . MakeDefaultOptions ( ) . ManifestFile ,
GitImplementation : sourceGitArgs . gitImplementation . String ( ) ,
RecurseSubmodules : bootstrapArgs . recurseSubmodules ,
entityList , err := bootstrap . LoadEntityListFromPath ( bootstrapArgs . gpgKeyRingPath )
if err != nil {
return err
// Bootstrap config
bootstrapOpts := [ ] bootstrap . GitProviderOption {
bootstrap . WithProviderRepository ( bServerArgs . owner , bServerArgs . repository , bServerArgs . personal ) ,
bootstrap . WithBranch ( bootstrapArgs . branch ) ,
bootstrap . WithBootstrapTransportType ( "https" ) ,
bootstrap . WithSignature ( bootstrapArgs . authorName , bootstrapArgs . authorEmail ) ,
bootstrap . WithCommitMessageAppendix ( bootstrapArgs . commitMessageAppendix ) ,
bootstrap . WithProviderTeamPermissions ( mapTeamSlice ( bServerArgs . teams , bServerDefaultPermission ) ) ,
bootstrap . WithReadWriteKeyPermissions ( bServerArgs . readWriteKey ) ,
bootstrap . WithKubeconfig ( kubeconfigArgs , kubeclientOptions ) ,
bootstrap . WithLogger ( logger ) ,
bootstrap . WithGitCommitSigning ( entityList , bootstrapArgs . gpgPassphrase , bootstrapArgs . gpgKeyID ) ,
if bootstrapArgs . sshHostname != "" {
bootstrapOpts = append ( bootstrapOpts , bootstrap . WithSSHHostname ( bootstrapArgs . sshHostname ) )
if bootstrapArgs . tokenAuth {
bootstrapOpts = append ( bootstrapOpts , bootstrap . WithSyncTransportType ( "https" ) )
if ! bServerArgs . private {
bootstrapOpts = append ( bootstrapOpts , bootstrap . WithProviderRepositoryConfig ( "" , "" , "public" ) )
if bServerArgs . reconcile {
bootstrapOpts = append ( bootstrapOpts , bootstrap . WithReconcile ( ) )
// Setup bootstrapper with constructed configs
b , err := bootstrap . NewGitProviderBootstrapper ( gitClient , providerClient , kubeClient , bootstrapOpts ... )
if err != nil {
return err
// Run
return bootstrap . Run ( ctx , b , manifestsBase , installOptions , secretOpts , syncOpts , rootArgs . pollInterval , rootArgs . timeout )