@ -17,13 +17,19 @@ limitations under the License.
package main
import (
"github.com/ fluxcd/flux2/internal/utils "
var createCmd = & cobra . Command {
@ -46,6 +52,78 @@ func init() {
rootCmd . AddCommand ( createCmd )
// upsertable is an interface for values that can be used in `upsert`.
type upsertable interface {
// upsert updates or inserts an object. Instead of providing the
// object itself, you provide a named (as in Name and Namespace)
// template value, and a mutate function which sets the values you
// want to update. The mutate function is nullary -- you mutate a
// value in the closure, e.g., by doing this:
// var existing Value
// existing.Name = name
// existing.Namespace = ns
// upsert(ctx, client, valueAdapter{&value}, func() error {
// value.Spec = onePreparedEarlier
// })
func ( names apiType ) upsert ( ctx context . Context , kubeClient client . Client , object upsertable , mutate func ( ) error ) ( types . NamespacedName , error ) {
nsname := types . NamespacedName {
Namespace : object . GetNamespace ( ) ,
Name : object . GetName ( ) ,
op , err := controllerutil . CreateOrUpdate ( ctx , kubeClient , object . asRuntimeObject ( ) , mutate )
if err != nil {
return nsname , err
switch op {
case controllerutil . OperationResultCreated :
logger . Successf ( "%s created" , names . kind )
case controllerutil . OperationResultUpdated :
logger . Successf ( "%s updated" , names . kind )
return nsname , nil
type upsertWaitable interface {
// upsertAndWait encodes the pattern of creating or updating a
// resource, then waiting for it to reconcile. See the note on
// `upsert` for how to work with the `mutate` argument.
func ( names apiType ) upsertAndWait ( object upsertWaitable , mutate func ( ) error ) error {
ctx , cancel := context . WithTimeout ( context . Background ( ) , timeout )
defer cancel ( )
kubeClient , err := utils . KubeClient ( kubeconfig , kubecontext ) // NB globals
if err != nil {
return err
logger . Generatef ( "generating %s" , names . kind )
logger . Actionf ( "applying %s" , names . kind )
namespacedName , err := imageRepositoryType . upsert ( ctx , kubeClient , object , mutate )
if err != nil {
return err
logger . Waitingf ( "waiting for %s reconciliation" , names . kind )
if err := wait . PollImmediate ( pollInterval , timeout ,
isReady ( ctx , kubeClient , namespacedName , object ) ) ; err != nil {
return err
logger . Successf ( "%s reconciliation completed" , names . kind )
return nil
func parseLabels ( ) ( map [ string ] string , error ) {
result := make ( map [ string ] string )
for _ , label := range labels {