diff --git a/rfcs/0000-trust-store-for-tls-and-ssh/README.md b/rfcs/0000-trust-store-for-tls-and-ssh/README.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9970c480 --- /dev/null +++ b/rfcs/0000-trust-store-for-tls-and-ssh/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,293 @@ +# RFC-NNNN Trust Store for TLS and SSH + +**Status:** provisional + +**Creation date:** 2022-12-02 + +**Last update:** 2022-12-02 + +## Summary + +Consolidates and formalizes the supported ways to establish trusted connections +with remote servers via Transport Layer Security (TLS) and Secure Shell (SSH). +Resulting on new ways to configure trust, and allowing administrators the +capability to disable some of the existing options. + +## Motivation + +The current model could be improved by allowing for controller-level trust +configurations, so that multiple objects connecting to the same server don't +need to specify overrides. The approach aligns with both TLS and SSH canonical +OS level implementations, in which they rely on a global trust store to define +machine level trust, but users and applications can further expand on trusted +servers (or CAs), when not blocked by administrators. + +Known Hosts (used by SSH connections), and CA Bundles (for TLS), are not +particularly sensitive information - when leaving aside privacy considerations. +Before this RFC, the officially supported approach leans on secrets to pass this +information to the controllers. The same secret is also use to provide user +credentials, which is more sensitive in nature, making this sub-optimal from a +security stand-point. + +### Goals + +- Consolidate the officially supported trust settings across the Flux ecosystem. +- Formalize support for configuring trust at controller-level. +- Add toggle to block object-level trust overrides. +- Enable users to surface trust information securely. + +### Non-Goals + +- Maintain backwards compatibility with older versions of Flux. + +## Proposal + +For configuring system-wide trust, Flux would rely on the well-established OS-level +trust store. When dynamically mounting of the trust store is required, it will be +enabled by using Kubernetes `Secret` and `ConfigMap` mounting. When immutable trust +store is required, users can build their own version of the controllers, with their +baked-in settings. + +TLS and SSH use different techniques to establish the identity of remote servers, +each relying on its own trust store. + +The sections below will dive into the specifics of each one, highlighting their +details, changes required and example of the proposed usage. + +A new way to configure object-level Trust Store overrides is also being proposed, +in combination with a controller level toggle to disable it. + +### SSH + +In SSH, the remote server identity is based on [Trust on first use]. At first +connection to a new server, the user confirms whether or not to trust that server +based on the server's Public key fingerprint. + +In the context of Flux, which provides no user interaction, if the remote server +finger print is not configured within the provided set of Known Hosts, the +connection is aborted. + +#### Controller-level Known Hosts + +For setting controller level Known Hosts, we propose the use of the existing +Linux file in disk: [/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]. + +Users would be able to configure the OS level trust store by mounting either +a `ConfigMap` or `Secret` directly into the Flux Controllers. + +`ConfigMap` example: +```yaml +apiVersion: v1 +kind: ConfigMap +metadata: + name: flux-trust-store + namespace: flux-system +data: + known_hosts: | + github.com ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAAAE2VjZHNhLXNoYTItbmlzdHAyNTYAAAAIbmlzdHAyNTYAAABBBEmKSENjQEezOmxkZMy7opKgwFB9nkt5YRrYMjNuG5N87uRgg6CLrbo5wAdT/y6v0mKV0U2w0WZ2YB/++Tpockg= +``` + +Patch required on the main `kustomization.yaml`: +```yaml + - patch: | + - op: add + path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts + value: + - name: ssh-trust-store + mountPath: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts + subPath: known_hosts + readOnly: true + - op: add + path: /spec/template/spec/volumes + value: + - name: ssh-trust-store + configMap: + name: flux-trust-store + target: + kind: Deployment + name: "(kustomize|image-automation|source|image-reflector|helm|notification)-controller" +``` + +#### Object-level Known Hosts Expansion + +A new field is to be introduced into the existing kinds `ImageUpdateAutomation` and +`GitRepository`, to allow users to expand on the controller-level known hosts for +SSH operations: +``` +spec: + trustStore: + ssh: + secretRef: + configMapRef: +``` + +The trust store can be expanded by either setting `spec.trustStore.ssh.secretRef` or +`spec.trustStore.ssh.configMapRef`, not both. Either option should contain the data +under a `known_hosts` key. + +Known hosts configured this way will be aggregated with the ones defined at both +system and controller levels. + +#### TLS + +In TLS, the remote server identity is based on [public key infrastructure] and the +trust is based on the confirmation that the remote server's certificate was issued +by a "trusted" Certificate Authority (CA). + +The OS level trust store contains the root trusted CAs, and any other certificate +that should be trusted by the machine. Note that CAs can verify other CAs, providing +an hierarchical chain of trust. Certificates that are not part of the chain, which +could be your own self-signed certificates, are considered untrustworthy by default. +TLS communications against untrusted remote servers are aborted. + +#### Controller-level Trusted Certificates + +*NOTE:* this requires no changes on the controllers, as this is based on the ways +that TLS surface the trust store. This RFC only formalizes it as a supported +approach. + +To trust CAs that are not part of the root trusted CAs, the OS level trust store +needs to be updated by mounting either a `ConfigMap` or `Secret` directly into the +Flux Controllers. + +`Secret` example: +```yaml +apiVersion: v1 +kind: Secret +metadata: + name: flux-trust-store + namespace: flux-system +data: + customCA.pem: LS0tLS1CRUdJTiBDRVJUSUZJQ0FURS0tLS0tCk1JSUJoekNDQVMyZ0F3SUJBZ0lVZHNBdGlYM2dOMHVrN2RkeEFTV1lFL3RkdjB3d0NnWUlLb1pJemowRUF3SXcKR1RFWE1CVUdBMVVFQXhNT1pYaGhiWEJzWlM1amIyMGdRMEV3SGhjTk1qQXdOREUzTURneE9EQXdXaGNOTWpVdwpOREUyTURneE9EQXdXakFaTVJjd0ZRWURWUVFERXc1bGVHRnRjR3hsTG1OdmJTQkRRVEJaTUJNR0J5cUdTTTQ5CkFnRUdDQ3FHU000OUF3RUhBMElBQks3aC81RDhiVjkzTW1FZGh1MDJKc1M2dWdCOHM2UHpSbDNQVjR4czNTYnIKUk5ra001OSt4M2IwaVd4L2k3NnFQWXBOTG9pVlVWWFFtQTlZKzREYk14aWpVekJSTUE0R0ExVWREd0VCL3dRRQpBd0lCQmpBUEJnTlZIUk1CQWY4RUJUQURBUUgvTUIwR0ExVWREZ1FXQkJRR3lVaVUxUUVaaU1BcWpzbklZVHdaCjR5cDV3ekFQQmdOVkhSRUVDREFHaHdSL0FBQUJNQW9HQ0NxR1NNNDlCQU1DQTBnQU1FVUNJUUR6ZHR2S2RFOE8KMStXUlRaOU11U2lGWWNyRXo3Wm5lN1ZYb3VERUtxS0VpZ0lnTTRXbGJEZXVOQ0ticWhxait4WlYwcGEzcndlYgpPRDhFampDTVk2OVJNTzA9Ci0tLS0tRU5EIENFUlRJRklDQVRFLS0tLS0K +``` + +Patch required on the main `kustomization.yaml`: +```yaml + - patch: | + - op: add + path: /spec/template/spec/containers/0/volumeMounts + value: + - name: tls-trust-store + mountPath: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-cert-flux.pem + subPath: customCA.pem + readOnly: true + - op: add + path: /spec/template/spec/volumes + value: + - name: tls-trust-store + secret: + secretName: flux-trust-store + target: + kind: Deployment + name: "(kustomize|image-automation|source|image-reflector|helm|notification)-controller" +``` + +#### Object-level Trusted Certificates Expansion + +A new field is to be introduced into the existing kinds `Bucket`, `GitRepository`, +`HelmRepository`, `OCIRepository`, `ImageUpdateAutomation`, `Provider` and +`ImageRepository`, to allow users to expand on the controller-level known hosts for +SSH operations: + +```yaml +spec: + trustStore: + tls: + secretRef: + configMapRef: +``` + +The trust store can be expanded by either setting `spec.trustStore.tls.secretRef` +or `spec.trustStore.tls.configMapRef`, not both. Either option should contain the +data under a `caFile` key. + +CA bundles configured this way will be aggregated with the ones defined at both +system and controller levels. + +### Enabling Object-Level Trust Store + +Object-level trust store expansion is disabled by default. To enable it start +the controller with: + +`--insecure-object-trust-store={tls-only,ssh-only,both}` + +The flag defaults to `disabled`: +`--insecure-object-trust-store={disabled}` + +### User Stories + +#### Story 1 + +> As a tenant, I want to be able to expand trust settings so that I can +> connect to my own servers without needing to ask an administrator. + +#### Story 2 + +> As a Platform admin, I want to configure all trusted servers at the controller +> level and block any specific team from overriding those settings. + +#### Story 3 + +> As a Security Auditor, I want to be able to review all Known Hosts and CA Bundles +> being used within a Flux instance, without requiring RBAC access to more sensitive +> information. + +### Alternatives + +#### Consume controller-level settings via two new flags + +Two new flags would be added into the controllers (`--tls-ca-bundles-secret` and +`--ssh-known-hosts-secret`) allowing for secrets to be consumed at startup time. + +This would establish a "flux-specific" approach, which would not be aligned with +existing tools and applications that may need to coexist in the same container, +meaning that a Flux controller may trust a server, whilst other applications within +the container would not - or vice-versa. + +#### Remove object-level trust store settings + +Instead of creating a toggle to disable object-level trust settings, the entire +feature could have been deprecated. We have decided that by keeping the feature +in would allow for an easier transition. + +#### Skip the implementation of the object-level blocker + +Instead of creating a built-in feature to block the use of object-level Trust +Store expansion, we could rely on other tools and mechanisms within the Kubernetes +ecosystem (e.g. OPA) to enable users to achieve the same outcome. + +Due to the importance that Flux has in the bootstrapping of clusters, such an +important requirement (enforce trust at controller level) should be inherit to +the controllers, instead of delegated to third party components. + +## Design Details + +### Refreshing Trust Store Values + +*NOTE:* Section still WIP. + +Values are automatically refreshed from Secrets and ConfigMaps into disk. +SSH would need to read the file again for each operation. +TLS would be automatically refreshed via Transport level system roots. + +https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/secret/#mounted-secrets-are-updated-automatically +https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/configuration/configmap/#mounted-configmaps-are-updated-automatically + +### SSH and TLS references + +*NOTE:* Section still WIP. + +Analogous to Kubernetes' `EnvFromSource`, in which it can source either a `ConfigMap` or a `Secret`. + +## Implementation History + + + +[/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts]: https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/OpenSSH/Client_Configuration_Files#/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts +[public key infrastructure]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_key_infrastructure +[Trust on first use]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trust_on_first_use