--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--components-extra strings list of components in addition to those supplied or defaulted, accepts values such as 'image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller'
--image-pull-secret string Kubernetes secret name used for pulling the toolkit images from a private registry
--network-policy deny ingress access to the toolkit controllers from other namespaces using network policies (default true)
--registry string container registry where the toolkit images are published (default "ghcr.io/fluxcd")
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
--version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)
The Terraform/OpenTofu counterpart is the `flux_bootstrap_oci` provider that exposes