@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ and push the archive to a container registry as an OCI artifact.
flux push artifact docker.io/org/app-config:v1.0.0 \
--path="./deploy" \
--source="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \
--revision="$(git branch --show-current)/$(git rev-parse HEAD)"
--revision="$(git branch --show-current)/$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \
The Flux CLI will produce artifacts of type `application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json`
@ -77,11 +77,20 @@ should offer a tagging command.
flux tag artifact docker.io/org/app-config:v1.0.0 --tag=latest --tag=production
To view all the available artifacts in a repository and their metadata, the CLI should
offer a list command.
flux list artifacts docker.io/org/app-config
To help inspect artifacts, the Flux CLI will offer a `build` and a `pull` command for generating
tarballs locally and for downloading the tarballs from remote container registries.
> A proof-of-concept CLI implementation for distributing Kubernetes configs as OCI artifacts
> is available at [kustomizer.dev](https://github.com/stefanprodan/kustomizer).
flux build artifact --path ./deploy --output tmp/artifact.tgz
flux pull artifact docker.io/org/app-config:v1.0.0 --output ./manifests
### Pull artifacts
@ -239,7 +248,10 @@ Edit the app deployment manifest and set the new image tag.
Then push the Kubernetes manifests to GHCR:
flux push artifact ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 --path ./deploy
flux push artifact ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 \
--source="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \
--revision="$(git tag --points-at HEAD)/$(git rev-parse HEAD)"\
Sign the config image with cosign:
@ -254,6 +266,15 @@ Mark `v1.0.0` as latest:
flux tag artifact ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 --tag latest
List the artifacts and their metadata with:
$ flux list artifacts ghcr.io/org/my-app-config
ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:latest sha256:45b95019d30af335137977a369ad56e9ea9e9c75bb01afb081a629ba789b890c https://github.com/org/my-app-config.git v1.0.0/20b3a674391df53f05e59a33554973d1cbd4d549
ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 sha256:45b95019d30af335137977a369ad56e9ea9e9c75bb01afb081a629ba789b890c https://github.com/org/my-app-config.git v1.0.0/3f45e72f0d3457e91e3c530c346d86969f9f4034
#### Story 2
> As a developer I want to deploy my app using Kubernetes manifests published as OCI artifacts to GHCR.