diff --git a/docs/guides/flux-v1-migration.md b/docs/guides/flux-v1-migration.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/guides/flux-v1-migration.md
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+# Migrate from Flux v1 to v2
+This guide walks you through migrating from Flux v1 to v2.
+Read the [FAQ](../faq/index.md) to find out what differences are between v1 and v2.
+!!! info "Automated image updates"
+ The image automation feature is under development in Flux v2.
+ Please consult the [roadmap](../roadmap/index.md) for more details.
+## Prerequisites
+You will need a Kubernetes cluster version **1.16** or newer
+and kubectl version **1.18** or newer.
+### Install Flux v2 CLI
+With Homebrew:
+brew install fluxcd/tap/flux
+With Bash:
+curl -s https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/install.sh | sudo bash
+# enable completions in ~/.bash_profile
+. <(flux completion bash)
+Command-line completion for `zsh`, `fish`, and `powershell`
+are also supported with their own sub-commands.
+Binaries for macOS, Windows and Linux AMD64/ARM are available for download on the
+[release page](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases).
+Verify that your cluster satisfies the prerequisites with:
+flux check --pre
+## GitOps migration
+Flux v2 offers an installation procedure that is declarative first
+and disaster resilient.
+Using the `flux bootstrap` command you can install Flux on a
+Kubernetes cluster and configure it to manage itself from a Git
+repository. The Git repository created during bootstrap can be used
+to define the state of your fleet of Kubernetes clusters.
+For a detailed walk-through of the bootstrap procedure please see the [installation guide](installation.md).
+After you've installed Flux v2 on your cluster using bootstrap,
+you can delete the Flux v1 from your clusters and move the manifests from the
+Flux v1 repository to the bootstrap one.
+## In-place migration
+!!! warning
+ For production use we recommend using the **bootstrap** procedure,
+ but if you wish to install Flux v2 in the
+ same way as Flux v1 then follow along.
+### Flux read-only mode
+Assuming you've installed Flux v1 to sync a directory with plain YAMLs from a private Git repo:
+# create namespace
+kubectl create ns flux
+# deploy Flux v1
+fluxctl install \
+--git-url=git@github.com:org/app \
+--git-branch=main \
+--git-path=./deploy \
+--git-readonly \
+--namespace=flux | kubectl apply -f -
+# print deploy key
+fluxctl identity --k8s-fwd-ns flux
+# trigger sync
+fluxctl sync --k8s-fwd-ns flux
+!!! hint "Uninstall Flux v1"
+ Before you proceed, scale the Flux v1 deployment to zero
+ or delete its namespace and RBAC.
+If there are YAML files in your `deploy` dir that are not meant to be
+applied on the cluster, you can exclude them by placing a `.sourceignore` in your repo root:
+$ cat .sourceignore
+# exclude all
+# include deploy dir
+# exclude files from deploy dir
+Install Flux v2 in the `flux-system` namespace:
+$ flux install \
+ --arch=amd64 \
+ --network-policy=true \
+ --watch-all-namespaces=true \
+ --namespace=flux-systen
+✚ generating manifests
+✔ manifests build completed
+► installing components in flux-system namespace
+✔ install completed
+◎ verifying installation
+✔ source-controller ready
+✔ kustomize-controller ready
+✔ helm-controller ready
+✔ notification-controller ready
+✔ install finished
+Register your Git repository and add the deploy key with read-only access:
+$ flux create source git app \
+ --url=ssh://git@github.com/org/app \
+ --branch=main \
+ --interval=1m
+► generating deploy key pair
+ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCp2x9ghVmv1zD...
+Have you added the deploy key to your repository: y
+► collecting preferred public key from SSH server
+✔ collected public key from SSH server:
+github.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAq2A...
+► applying secret with keys
+✔ authentication configured
+✚ generating GitRepository source
+► applying GitRepository source
+✔ GitRepository source created
+◎ waiting for GitRepository source reconciliation
+✔ GitRepository source reconciliation completed
+✔ fetched revision: main/5302d04c2ab8f0579500747efa0fe7abc72c8f9b
+Configure the reconciliation of the `deploy` dir on your cluster:
+$ flux create kustomization app \
+ --source=app \
+ --path="./deploy" \
+ --prune=true \
+ --interval=10m
+✚ generating Kustomization
+► applying Kustomization
+✔ Kustomization created
+◎ waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
+✔ Kustomization app is ready
+✔ applied revision main/5302d04c2ab8f0579500747efa0fe7abc72c8f9b
+If your repository contains secrets encrypted with Mozilla SOPS, please read this [guide](mozilla-sops.md).
+Pull changes from Git and apply them immediately:
+flux reconcile kustomization app --with-source
+List all Kubernetes objects reconciled by `app`:
+kubectl get all --all-namespaces \
+-l=kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/name=app \
+### Flux with Kustomize
+Assuming you've installed Flux v1 to sync a Kustomize overlay from an HTTPS Git repository:
+fluxctl install \
+--git-url=https://github.com/org/app \
+--git-branch=main \
+--manifest-generation \
+--namespace=flux | kubectl apply -f -
+With the following `.flux.yaml` in the root dir:
+version: 1
+ generators:
+ - command: kustomize build ./overlays/prod
+ patchFile: flux-patch.yaml
+!!! hint "Uninstall Flux v1"
+ Before you proceed, delete the Flux v1 namespace
+ and remove the `.flux.yaml` from your repo.
+Install Flux v2 in the `flux-system` namespace:
+flux install
+Register the Git repository using a personal access token:
+flux create source git app \
+ --url=https://github.com/org/app \
+ --branch=main \
+ --username=git \
+ --password=token \
+ --interval=1m
+Configure the reconciliation of the `prod` overlay on your cluster:
+flux create kustomization app \
+ --source=app \
+ --path="./overlays/prod" \
+ --prune=true \
+ --interval=10m
+Check the status of the Kustomization reconciliation:
+$ flux get kustomizations app
+app main/5302d04c2ab8f0579500747efa0fe7abc72c8f9b False True
+### Flux with Slack notifications
+Assuming you've configured Flux v1 to send notifications to Slack with FluxCloud.
+With Flux v2, create an alert provider for a Slack channel:
+flux create alert-provider slack \
+ --type=slack \
+ --channel=general \
+ --address=https://hooks.slack.com/services/YOUR/SLACK/WEBHOOK
+And configure notifications for the `app` reconciliation events:
+flux create alert app \
+ --provider-ref=slack \
+ --event-severity=info \
+ --event-source=GitRepository/app \
+ --event-source=Kustomization/app
+For more details, read the guides on how to configure
+[notifications](notifications.md) and [webhooks](webhook-receivers.md).
+### Flux debugging
+Check the status of Git operations:
+$ kubectl -n flux-system get gitrepositories
+app True Fetched revision: main/5302d04c2ab8f0579500747efa0fe7abc72c8f9b
+test False SSH handshake failed: unable to authenticate, attempted methods [none publickey]
+Check the status of the cluster reconciliation with kubectl:
+$ kubectl -n flux-system get kustomizations
+app True Applied revision: main/5302d04c2ab8f0579500747efa0fe7abc72c8f9
+test False The Service 'backend' is invalid: spec.type: Unsupported value: 'Ingress'
+Suspend a reconciliation:
+$ flux suspend kustomization app
+► suspending kustomization app in flux-system namespace
+✔ kustomization suspended
+Check the status with kubectl:
+$ kubectl -n flux-system get kustomization app
+app False Kustomization is suspended, skipping reconciliation
+Resume a reconciliation:
+$ flux resume kustomization app
+► resuming Kustomization app in flux-system namespace
+✔ Kustomization resumed
+◎ waiting for Kustomization reconciliation
+✔ Kustomization reconciliation completed
+✔ applied revision main/5302d04c2ab8f0579500747efa0fe7abc72c8f9b
diff --git a/docs/roadmap/index.md b/docs/roadmap/index.md
index e283f752..390f4b5f 100644
--- a/docs/roadmap/index.md
+++ b/docs/roadmap/index.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ All of the above will constitute "Flux v2".
### Flux read-only feature parity
-[= 90% "90%"]
+[= 100% "100%"]
This would be the first stepping stone: we want Flux v2 to be on-par with today's Flux in
[read-only mode](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux/blob/master/docs/faq.md#can-i-run-flux-with-readonly-git-access)
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ and [FluxCloud](https://github.com/justinbarrick/fluxcloud) notifications.
-- Offer a migration guide for those that are using Flux in read-only mode to synchronize plain manifests
-- Offer a migration guide for those that are using Flux in read-only mode to synchronize Kustomize overlays
+- :material-check-bold: [Offer a migration guide for those that are using Flux in read-only mode to synchronize plain manifests](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/guides/flux-v1-migration/)
+- :material-check-bold: [Offer a migration guide for those that are using Flux in read-only mode to synchronize Kustomize overlays](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/guides/flux-v1-migration/)
- :material-check-bold: [Offer a dedicated component for forwarding events to external messaging platforms](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/guides/notifications/)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Tasks
- [x] Implement a notification controller for Slack, MS Teams, Discord, Rocket
- [x] Implement Prometheus metrics in source and kustomize controllers
- [x] Review the git source and kustomize APIs
-- [ ] Create a migration guide for `flux.yaml` kustomize users
+- [x] Create a migration guide for `flux.yaml` kustomize users
- [x] Include support for SOPS
### Flux image update feature parity
@@ -91,5 +91,5 @@ Tasks
- [x] Implement conditional remediation on (failed) Helm actions
- [x] Implement support for Helm charts from Git
- [x] Implement support for referring to an alternative chart values file
-- [ ] Stabilize API
+- [x] Stabilize API
- [ ] Create a migration guide for Helm Operator users
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index cc42f858..f336ba12 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ nav:
- Monitoring with Prometheus: guides/monitoring.md
- Sealed Secrets: guides/sealed-secrets.md
- Mozilla SOPS: guides/mozilla-sops.md
+ - Migrate from Flux v1 to v2: guides/flux-v1-migration.md
- Toolkit Components:
- Source Controller:
- Overview: components/source/controller.md
@@ -140,8 +141,8 @@ nav:
- Reconcile source helm: cmd/flux_reconcile_source_helm.md
- Reconcile source bucket: cmd/flux_reconcile_source_bucket.md
- Uninstall: cmd/flux_uninstall.md
- - Roadmap: roadmap/index.md
- - Contributing: contributing/index.md
- Dev Guides:
- Watching for source changes: dev-guides/source-watcher.md
+ - Roadmap: roadmap/index.md
+ - Contributing: contributing/index.md
- FAQ: faq/index.md