I've noticed during CI, that the current command
already expected a configured Docker client to
push artifacts to authenticated registries.
Some users might not want to have the Docker client
in their process (like a CI job) or build an handcrafted
config.json file.
This would allow this kind of behavior:
flux push artifact oci://my-registry.dev/foo:v1 \
--source xxx \
--revision xxx \
--path . \
--creds $TOKEN # Authenticate via "Bearer $TOKEN" Authorization header
Or via Autologin:
flux push artifact oci://012345678901.dkr.ecr.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/foo:v1 \
--source xxx \
--revision xxx \
--path . \
--provider aws
This has been implemented for:
* flux push artifact
* flux list artifact
* flux tag artifact
* flux pull artifact
This will require another PR in https://github.com/fluxcd/pkg/pull/352
Signed-off-by: Adrien Fillon <adrien.fillon@manomano.com>