A new --ignore-paths flag is added to following commands:
flux create source git --ignore-paths ...
flux create source bucket --ignore-paths ...
A StringSliceVar is used which supports specifying the flag multiple
times to populate a list or either a comma seperated string value
A unit test with a golden file is added to validate the flag
Signed-off-by: Tarun Gupta Akirala <takirala@users.noreply.github.com>
This ensures the command will wait for the object to report a Ready
Condition with an ObservedGeneration matching the Generation of the
resource. Ensuring that when a "create" is actually a mutation, it waits
instead of prematurely assuming the Source to be Ready.
Signed-off-by: Hidde Beydals <hello@hidde.co>
The creation of oldConditions, statusableConditions and
reconcilableConditions is an adhoc solution to deal with the upstream
changes on `pkg/apis/meta`, which are yet to be replicated across other
Flux API components.
Signed-off-by: Paulo Gomes <paulo.gomes@weave.works>
The create source tests are more interesting than the existing tests as they
create objects then wit for the flux source reconciler to complete. The tests
simulate this with a background goroutine that waits for an object to be
created then uses a test specific function to update it.
The tests set a timeout so that if there is a failure they timeout somewhat
quickly rather than hanging for a longer period of time.
Signed-off-by: Allen Porter <allen@thebends.org>