name: update on: workflow_dispatch: schedule: - cron: "0 * * * *" push: branches: [main] permissions: contents: read jobs: update-components: runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: write pull-requests: write steps: - name: Check out code uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2 - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@f111f3307d8850f501ac008e886eec1fd1932a34 # v5.3.0 with: go-version: 1.23.x cache-dependency-path: | **/go.sum **/go.mod - name: Update component versions id: update run: | PR_BODY=$(mktemp) bump_version() { local LATEST_VERSION=$(curl -s$1/releases | jq -r 'sort_by(.published_at) | .[-1] | .tag_name') local CTRL_VERSION=$(sed -n "s/.*$1\/releases\/download\/\(.*\)\/.*/\1/p;n" manifests/bases/$1/kustomization.yaml) local CRD_VERSION=$(sed -n "s/.*$1\/releases\/download\/\(.*\)\/.*/\1/p" manifests/crds/kustomization.yaml) local MOD_VERSION=$(go list -m -f '{{ .Version }}' "$1/api") local changed=false if [[ "${CTRL_VERSION}" != "${LATEST_VERSION}" ]]; then sed -i "s/\($1\/releases\/download\/\)v.*\(\/.*\)/\1${LATEST_VERSION}\2/g" "manifests/bases/$1/kustomization.yaml" changed=true fi if [[ "${CRD_VERSION}" != "${LATEST_VERSION}" ]]; then sed -i "s/\($1\/releases\/download\/\)v.*\(\/.*\)/\1${LATEST_VERSION}\2/g" "manifests/crds/kustomization.yaml" changed=true fi if [[ "${MOD_VERSION}" != "${LATEST_VERSION}" ]]; then go mod edit -require="$1/api@${LATEST_VERSION}" make tidy changed=true fi if [[ "$changed" == true ]]; then echo "- $1 to ${LATEST_VERSION}" >> $PR_BODY echo "$1/blob/${LATEST_VERSION}/" >> $PR_BODY fi } { # bump controller versions bump_version helm-controller bump_version kustomize-controller bump_version source-controller bump_version notification-controller bump_version image-reflector-controller bump_version image-automation-controller # diff change git diff # export PR_BODY for PR and commit # NB: this may look strange but it is the way it should be done to # maintain our precious newlines # Ref: echo 'pr_body<> $GITHUB_OUTPUT cat $PR_BODY >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT echo 'EOF' >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT } - name: Create Pull Request id: cpr uses: peter-evans/create-pull-request@67ccf781d68cd99b580ae25a5c18a1cc84ffff1f # v7.0.6 with: token: ${{ secrets.BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }} commit-message: | Update toolkit components ${{ steps.update.outputs.pr_body }} committer: GitHub author: fluxcdbot signoff: true branch: update-components title: Update toolkit components body: | ${{ steps.update.outputs.pr_body }} labels: | dependencies reviewers: ${{ secrets.ASSIGNEES }} - name: Check output run: | echo "Pull Request Number - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-number }}" echo "Pull Request URL - ${{ steps.cpr.outputs.pull-request-url }}"