# Kustomize Controller The kustomize-controller is a Kubernetes operator, specialized in running continuous delivery pipelines for infrastructure and workloads defined with Kubernetes manifests and assembled with Kustomize.  Features: - Reconciles the cluster state from multiple sources (provided by source-controller) - Generates manifests with Kustomize (from plain Kubernetes yamls or Kustomize overlays) - Validates manifests against Kubernetes API - Impersonates service accounts (multi-tenancy RBAC) - Health assessment of the deployed workloads - Runs pipelines in a specific order (depends-on relationship) - Prunes objects removed from source (garbage collection) - Reports cluster state changes (alerting provided by notification-controller) Links: - Source code [fluxcd/kustomize-controller](https://github.com/fluxcd/kustomize-controller) - Specification [docs](https://github.com/fluxcd/kustomize-controller/tree/main/docs/spec)