# Setup Webhook Receivers The GitOps toolkit controllers are by design **pull-based**. In order to notify the controllers about changes in Git or Helm repositories, you can setup webhooks and trigger a cluster reconciliation every time a source changes. Using webhook receivers, you can build **push-based** GitOps pipelines that react to external events. ## Prerequisites To follow this guide you'll need a Kubernetes cluster with the GitOps toolkit controllers installed on it. Please see the [get started guide](../get-started/index.md) or the [installation guide](installation.md). The [notification controller](../components/notification/controller.md) can handle events coming from external systems (GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Harbor, Jenkins, etc) and notify the GitOps toolkit controllers about source changes. The notification controller is part of the default toolkit installation. ## Expose the webhook receiver In order to receive Git push or Helm chart upload events, you'll have to expose the webhook receiver endpoint outside of your Kubernetes cluster on a public address. The notification controller handles webhook requests on port `9292`. This port can be used to create a Kubernetes LoadBalancer Service or Ingress. Create a `LoadBalancer` service: ```yaml apiVersion: v1 kind: Service metadata: name: receiver namespace: gitops-system spec: type: LoadBalancer selector: app: notification-controller ports: - name: http port: 80 protocol: TCP targetPort: 9292 ``` Wait for Kubernetes to assign a public address with: ```sh watch kubectl -n gitops-system get svc/receiver ``` ## Define a Git repository Create a Git source pointing to a GitHub repository that you have control over: ```yaml apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1 kind: GitRepository metadata: name: webapp namespace: gitops-system spec: interval: 60m url: https://github.com/<GH-ORG>/<GH-REPO> ref: branch: master ``` !!! hint "Authentication" SSH or token based authentication can be configured for private repositories. See the [GitRepository CRD docs](../components/source/gitrepositories.md) for more details. ## Define a Git repository receiver First generate a random string and create a secret with a `token` field: ```sh TOKEN=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -d ' ' -f1) echo $TOKEN kubectl -n gitops-system create secret generic webhook-token \ --from-literal=token=$TOKEN ``` Create a receiver for GitHub and specify the `GitRepository` object: ```yaml apiVersion: notification.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1 kind: Receiver metadata: name: webapp namespace: gitops-system spec: type: github events: - "ping" - "push" secretRef: name: webhook-token resources: - kind: GitRepository name: webapp ``` !!! hint "Note" Besides GitHub, you can define receivers for **GitLab**, **Bitbucket**, **Harbor** and any other system that supports webhooks e.g. Jenkins, CircleCI, etc. See the [Receiver CRD docs](../components/notification/receiver.md) for more details. The notification controller generates a unique URL using the provided token and the receiver name/namespace. Find the URL with: ```console $ kubectl -n gitops-system get receiver/webapp NAME READY STATUS webapp True Receiver initialised with URL: /hook/bed6d00b5555b1603e1f59b94d7fdbca58089cb5663633fb83f2815dc626d92b ``` On GitHub, navigate to your repository and click on the "Add webhook" button under "Settings/Webhooks". Fill the form with: * **Payload URL**: compose the address using the receiver LB and the generated URL `http://<LoadBalancerAddress>/<ReceiverURL>` * **Secret**: use the `token` string With the above settings, when you push a commit to the repository, the following happens: * GitHub sends the Git push event to the receiver address * Notification controller validates the authenticity of the payload using HMAC * Source controller is notified about the changes * Source controller pulls the changes into the cluster and updates the `GitRepository` revision * Kustomize controller is notified about the revision change * Kustomize controller reconciles all the `Kustomizations` that reference the `GitRepository` object