site_name: GitOps Toolkit site_description: A toolkit for assembling GitOps pipelines on Kubernetes site_author: The Flux CD contributors site_url: repo_name: fluxcd/flux2 repo_url: edit_uri: "" theme: name: material logo: _files/flux-icon@2x.png language: en palette: primary: blue accent: indigo custom_dir: mkdocs/ docs_dir: docs extra_css: - _static/custom.css plugins: - search markdown_extensions: - admonition - meta - codehilite: guess_lang: false - toc: permalink: true - pymdownx.superfences: highlight_code: true - pymdownx.tabbed - pymdownx.tilde - pymdownx.progressbar - pymdownx.tasklist - pymdownx.emoji: emoji_index: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.twemoji emoji_generator: !!python/name:materialx.emoji.to_svg nav: - Introduction: - Get Started: get-started/ - Guides: - Installation: guides/ - Manage Helm Releases: guides/ - Setup Notifications: guides/ - Setup Webhook Receivers: guides/ - Monitoring with Prometheus: guides/ - Sealed Secrets: guides/ - Mozilla SOPS: guides/ - Toolkit Components: - Source Controller: - Overview: components/source/ - GitRepository CRD: components/source/ - HelmRepository CRD: components/source/ - HelmChart CRD: components/source/ - Bucket CRD: components/source/ - Source API Reference: components/source/ - Kustomize Controller: - Overview: components/kustomize/ - Kustomization CRD: components/kustomize/ - Kustomize API Reference: components/kustomize/ - Helm Controller: - Overview: components/helm/ - HelmRelease CRD: components/helm/ - Helm API Reference: components/helm/ - Notification Controller: - Overview: components/notification/ - Event: components/notification/ - Provider CRD: components/notification/ - Alert CRD: components/notification/ - Receiver CRD: components/notification/ - Notification API Reference: components/notification/ - Flux CLI: - Overview: cmd/ - Bootstrap: cmd/ - Bootstrap github: cmd/ - Bootstrap gitlab: cmd/ - Check: cmd/ - Create: cmd/ - Create kustomization: cmd/ - Create helmrelease: cmd/ - Create source: cmd/ - Create source git: cmd/ - Create source helm: cmd/ - Create source bucket: cmd/ - Create alert provider: cmd/ - Create alert: cmd/ - Create receiver: cmd/ #- Create tenant: cmd/ - Delete: cmd/ - Delete kustomization: cmd/ - Delete helmrelease: cmd/ - Delete source: cmd/ - Delete source git: cmd/ - Delete source helm: cmd/ - Delete source bucket: cmd/ - Export: cmd/ - Export kustomization: cmd/ - Export helmrelease: cmd/ - Export source: cmd/ - Export source git: cmd/ - Export source helm: cmd/ - Export source bucket: cmd/ - Export alert provider: cmd/ - Export alert: cmd/ - Export receiver: cmd/ - Get: cmd/ - Get kustomizations: cmd/ - Get helmreleases: cmd/ - Get sources: cmd/ - Get sources git: cmd/ - Get sources helm: cmd/ - Get sources bucket: cmd/ - Get alert provider: cmd/ - Get alert: cmd/ - Get receiver: cmd/ - Install: cmd/ - Resume: cmd/ - Resume kustomization: cmd/ - Resume helmrelease: cmd/ - Resume alert provider: cmd/ - Resume alert: cmd/ - Resume receiver: cmd/ - Suspend: cmd/ - Suspend kustomization: cmd/ - Suspend helmrelease: cmd/ - Suspend alert provider: cmd/ - Suspend alert: cmd/ - Suspend receiver: cmd/ - Reconcile: cmd/ - Reconcile kustomization: cmd/ - Reconcile helmrelease: cmd/ - Reconcile source: cmd/ - Reconcile source git: cmd/ - Reconcile source helm: cmd/ - Reconcile source bucket: cmd/ - Uninstall: cmd/ - Roadmap: roadmap/ - Contributing: contributing/ - Dev Guides: - Watching for source changes: dev-guides/ - FAQ: faq/