title: "flux create helmrelease command"
## flux create helmrelease

Create or update a HelmRelease resource

### Synopsis

The helmrelease create command generates a HelmRelease resource for a given HelmRepository source.

flux create helmrelease [name] [flags]

### Examples

  # Create a HelmRelease with a chart from a HelmRepository source
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --interval=10m \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo \
    --chart=podinfo \

  # Create a HelmRelease with a chart from a GitRepository source
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --interval=10m \
    --source=GitRepository/podinfo \

  # Create a HelmRelease with a chart from a Bucket source
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --interval=10m \
    --source=Bucket/podinfo \

  # Create a HelmRelease with values from local YAML files
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo \
    --chart=podinfo \
    --values=./my-values1.yaml \

  # Create a HelmRelease with values from a Kubernetes secret
  kubectl -n app create secret generic my-secret-values \
  flux -n app create hr podinfo \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo \
    --chart=podinfo \

  # Create a HelmRelease with a custom release name
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo \
    --chart=podinfo \

  # Create a HelmRelease targeting another namespace than the resource
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --target-namespace=default \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo \

  # Create a HelmRelease using a source from a different namespace
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --namespace=default \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo.flux-system \

  # Create a HelmRelease definition on disk without applying it on the cluster
  flux create hr podinfo \
    --source=HelmRepository/podinfo \
    --chart=podinfo \
    --values=./values.yaml \
    --export > podinfo-release.yaml

### Options

      --chart string                        Helm chart name or path
      --chart-version string                Helm chart version, accepts a semver range (ignored for charts from GitRepository sources)
      --crds crds                           upgrade CRDs policy, available options are: (Skip, Create, CreateReplace)
      --depends-on stringArray              HelmReleases that must be ready before this release can be installed, supported formats '<name>' and '<namespace>/<name>'
  -h, --help                                help for helmrelease
      --release-name string                 name used for the Helm release, defaults to a composition of '[<target-namespace>-]<HelmRelease-name>'
      --service-account string              the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this HelmRelease
      --source helmChartSource              source that contains the chart in the format '<kind>/<name>.<namespace>', where kind must be one of: (HelmRepository, GitRepository, Bucket)
      --target-namespace string             namespace to install this release, defaults to the HelmRelease namespace
      --values stringArray                  local path to values.yaml files
      --values-from helmReleaseValuesFrom   Kubernetes object reference that contains the values.yaml data key in the format '<kind>/<name>', where kind must be one of: (Secret, ConfigMap)

### Options inherited from parent commands

      --context string      kubernetes context to use
      --export              export in YAML format to stdout
      --interval duration   source sync interval (default 1m0s)
      --kubeconfig string   absolute path to the kubeconfig file
      --label strings       set labels on the resource (can specify multiple labels with commas: label1=value1,label2=value2)
  -n, --namespace string    the namespace scope for this operation (default "flux-system")
      --timeout duration    timeout for this operation (default 5m0s)
      --verbose             print generated objects


* [flux create](../flux_create/)	 - Create or update sources and resources