name: Setup Flux CLI description: A GitHub Action for installing the Flux CLI author: Flux project branding: color: blue icon: command inputs: version: description: "Flux version e.g. 2.0.0 (defaults to latest stable release)" required: false arch: description: "arch can be amd64, arm64 or arm" required: false deprecationMessage: "No longer required, action will now detect runner arch." bindir: description: "Alternative location for the Flux binary, defaults to path relative to $RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE." required: false token: description: "Token used to authentication against the API. Defaults to the token from the GitHub context of the workflow." required: false runs: using: composite steps: - name: "Download the binary to the runner's cache dir" shell: bash run: | VERSION=${{ inputs.version }} TOKEN=${{ inputs.token }} if [[ -z "$TOKEN" ]]; then TOKEN=${{ github.token }} fi if [[ -z "$VERSION" ]] || [[ "$VERSION" = "latest" ]]; then VERSION=$(curl -fsSL -H "Authorization: token ${TOKEN}" | grep tag_name | cut -d '"' -f 4) fi if [[ -z "$VERSION" ]]; then echo "Unable to determine Flux CLI version" exit 1 fi if [[ $VERSION = v* ]]; then VERSION="${VERSION:1}" fi OS=$(echo "${RUNNER_OS}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ "$OS" == "macos" ]]; then OS="darwin" fi ARCH=$(echo "${RUNNER_ARCH}" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') if [[ "$ARCH" == "x64" ]]; then ARCH="amd64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "x86" ]]; then ARCH="386" fi FLUX_EXEC_FILE="flux" if [[ "$OS" == "windows" ]]; then FLUX_EXEC_FILE="${FLUX_EXEC_FILE}.exe" fi FLUX_TOOL_DIR=${{ inputs.bindir }} if [[ -z "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR" ]]; then FLUX_TOOL_DIR="${RUNNER_TOOL_CACHE}/flux2/${VERSION}/${OS}/${ARCH}" fi if [[ ! -x "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR/FLUX_EXEC_FILE" ]]; then DL_DIR="$(mktemp -dt flux2-XXXXXX)" trap 'rm -rf $DL_DIR' EXIT echo "Downloading flux ${VERSION} for ${OS}/${ARCH}" FLUX_TARGET_FILE="flux_${VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}.tar.gz" if [[ "$OS" == "windows" ]]; then FLUX_TARGET_FILE="flux_${VERSION}_${OS}_${ARCH}.zip" fi FLUX_CHECKSUMS_FILE="flux_${VERSION}_checksums.txt" FLUX_DOWNLOAD_URL="${VERSION}/" curl -fsSL -o "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_TARGET_FILE" "$FLUX_DOWNLOAD_URL/$FLUX_TARGET_FILE" curl -fsSL -o "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_CHECKSUMS_FILE" "$FLUX_DOWNLOAD_URL/$FLUX_CHECKSUMS_FILE" echo "Verifying checksum" sum="" if command -v openssl > /dev/null; then sum=$(openssl sha256 "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_TARGET_FILE" | awk '{print $2}') elif command -v sha256sum > /dev/null; then sum=$(sha256sum "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_TARGET_FILE" | awk '{print $1}') fi if [[ -z "$sum" ]]; then echo "Neither openssl nor sha256sum found. Cannot calculate checksum." exit 1 fi expected_sum=$(grep " $FLUX_TARGET_FILE\$" "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_CHECKSUMS_FILE" | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$sum" != "$expected_sum" ]; then echo "SHA sum of ${FLUX_TARGET_FILE} does not match. Aborting." exit 1 fi echo "Installing flux to ${FLUX_TOOL_DIR}" mkdir -p "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR" if [[ "$OS" == "windows" ]]; then unzip "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_TARGET_FILE" "$FLUX_EXEC_FILE" -d "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR" else tar xzf "$DL_DIR/$FLUX_TARGET_FILE" -C "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR" $FLUX_EXEC_FILE fi chmod +x "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR/$FLUX_EXEC_FILE" fi echo "Adding flux to path" echo "$FLUX_TOOL_DIR" >> "$GITHUB_PATH" - name: "Print installed flux version" shell: bash run: | flux -v