# RFC-0003 Flux OCI support for Kubernetes manifests **Status:** implemented (partially) **Creation date:** 2022-03-31 **Last update:** 2022-08-11 ## Summary Flux should be able to distribute and reconcile Kubernetes configuration packaged as OCI artifacts. On the client-side, the Flux CLI should offer a command for packaging Kubernetes configs into an OCI artifact and pushing the artifact to a container registry using the Docker config file and the Docker credential helpers for authentication. On the server-side, the Flux source-controller should offer a dedicated API Kind for defining how OCI artifacts are pulled from container registries and how the artifact's authenticity can be verified. Flux should be able to work with any type of artifact even if it's not created with the Flux CLI. ## Motivation Given that OCI registries are evolving into a generic artifact storage solution, we should extend Flux to allow fetching Kubernetes manifests and related configs from container registries similar to how Flux works with Git and Bucket storage. With OCI support, Flux users can automate artifact updates to Git in the same way they do today for container images. ### Goals - Add support to the Flux CLI for packaging Kubernetes manifests and related configs into OCI artifacts. - Add support to Flux source-controller for fetching configs stored as OCI artifacts. - Make it easy for users to switch from Git repositories and Buckets to OCI repositories. ### Non-Goals - Introduce a new OCI media type for artifacts containing Kubernetes manifests. ## Proposal ### Push artifacts Flux users should be able to package a local directory containing Kubernetes configs into a tarball and push the archive to a container registry as an OCI artifact. ```sh flux push artifact oci://docker.io/org/app-config:v1.0.0 \ --source="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \ --revision="$(git branch --show-current)/$(git rev-parse HEAD)" \ --path="./deploy" ``` The Flux CLI will produce artifacts of type `application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json` which ensures compatibility with container registries that don't support custom OCI media types. The directory pointed to by `--path` is archived and compressed in the `tar+gzip` format and the layer media type is set to `application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip`. The source URL and revision are added to the OCI artifact as annotations in the format: ```json { "schemaVersion": 2, "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json", "annotations": { "source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/url": "https://github.com/org/app.git", "source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/revision": "main/450796ddb2ab6724ee1cc32a4be56da032d1cca0" } } ``` To ease the promotion workflow of a specific version from one environment to another, the CLI should offer a tagging command. ```sh flux tag artifact oci://docker.io/org/app-config:v1.0.0 --tag=latest --tag=production ``` To view all the available artifacts in a repository and their metadata, the CLI should offer a list command. ```sh flux list artifacts oci://docker.io/org/app-config ``` To help inspect artifacts, the Flux CLI will offer a `build` and a `pull` command for generating tarballs locally and for downloading the tarballs from remote container registries. ```sh flux build artifact --path ./deploy --output tmp/artifact.tgz flux pull artifact oci://docker.io/org/app-config:v1.0.0 --output ./manifests ``` ### Pull artifacts Flux users should be able to define a source for pulling manifests inside the cluster from an OCI repository. ```yaml apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: OCIRepository metadata: name: app-config namespace: flux-system spec: interval: 10m url: oci://docker.io/org/app-config ref: tag: v1.0.0 ``` The `spec.url` field points to the container image repository in the format `oci://://`. Note that specifying a tag or digest is not in accepted for this field. The `spec.url` value is used by the controller to fetch the list of tags from the remote OCI repository. An `OCIRepository` can refer to an artifact by tag, digest or semver range: ```yaml spec: ref: # one of tag: "latest" digest: "sha256:45b23dee08af5e43a7fea6c4cf9c25ccf269ee113168c19722f87876677c5cb2" semver: "6.0.x" ``` To verify the authenticity of an artifact, the Sigstore cosign public key can be supplied with: ```yaml spec: verify: provider: cosign secretRef: name: cosign-key ``` ### Pull artifacts from private repositories For authentication purposes, Flux users can choose between supplying static credentials with Kubernetes secrets and cloud-based OIDC using an IAM role binding to the source-controller Kubernetes service account. #### Basic auth For private repositories hosted on DockerHub, GitHub, Quay, self-hosted Docker Registry and others, the credentials can be supplied with: ```yaml spec: secretRef: name: regcred ``` The `secretRef` points to a Kubernetes secret in the same namespace as the `OCIRepository`, the secret type must be `kubernetes.io/dockerconfigjson`: ```shell kubectl create secret docker-registry regcred \ --docker-server= \ --docker-username= \ --docker-password= ``` For image pull secrets attached to a service account, the account name can be specified with: ```yaml spec: serviceAccountName: regsa ``` #### Client cert auth For private repositories which require a certificate to authenticate, the client certificate, private key and the CA certificate (if self-signed), can be provided with: ```yaml spec: certSecretRef: name: regcert ``` The `certSecretRef` points to a Kubernetes secret in the same namespace as the `OCIRepository`: ```shell kubectl create secret generic regcert \ --from-file=certFile=client.crt \ --from-file=keyFile=client.key \ --from-file=caFile=ca.crt ``` #### OIDC auth When Flux runs on AKS, EKS or GKE, an IAM role (that grants read-only access to ACR, ECR or GCR) can be used to bind the `source-controller` to the IAM role. ```yaml spec: provider: aws ``` The provider accepts the following values: `generic`, `aws`, `azure` and `gcp`. When the provider is not specified, it defaults to `generic`. When the provider is set to `aws`, `azure` or `gcp`, the controller will use a specific cloud SDK for authentication purposes. If both `spec.secretRef` and a non-generic provider are present in the definition, the controller will use the static credentials from the referenced secret. ### Reconcile artifacts The `OCIRepository` can be used as a drop-in replacement for `GitRepository` and `Bucket` sources. For example, a Flux Kustomization can refer to an `OCIRepository` and reconcile the manifests found in the OCI artifact: ```yaml apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: Kustomization metadata: name: app namespace: flux-system spec: interval: 10m sourceRef: kind: OCIRepository name: app-config path: ./ ``` ### User Stories #### Story 1 > As a developer I want to publish my app Kubernetes manifests to the same GHCR registry > where I publish my app containers. First login to GHCR with Docker: ```sh docker login ghcr.io -u ${GITHUB_USER} -p ${GITHUB_TOKEN} ``` Build your app container image and push it to GHCR: ```sh docker build -t ghcr.io/org/my-app:v1.0.0 . docker push ghcr.io/org/my-app:v1.0.0 ``` Edit the app deployment manifest and set the new image tag. Then push the Kubernetes manifests to GHCR: ```sh flux push artifact oci://ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 \ --source="$(git config --get remote.origin.url)" \ --revision="$(git tag --points-at HEAD)/$(git rev-parse HEAD)"\ --path="./deploy" ``` Sign the config image with cosign: ```sh cosign sign --key cosign.key ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 ``` Mark `v1.0.0` as latest: ```sh flux tag artifact oci://ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 --tag latest ``` List the artifacts and their metadata with: ```console $ flux list artifacts oci://ghcr.io/org/my-app-config ARTIFACT DIGEST SOURCE REVISION ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:latest sha256:45b95019d30af335137977a369ad56e9ea9e9c75bb01afb081a629ba789b890c https://github.com/org/my-app-config.git v1.0.0/20b3a674391df53f05e59a33554973d1cbd4d549 ghcr.io/org/my-app-config:v1.0.0 sha256:45b95019d30af335137977a369ad56e9ea9e9c75bb01afb081a629ba789b890c https://github.com/org/my-app-config.git v1.0.0/3f45e72f0d3457e91e3c530c346d86969f9f4034 ``` #### Story 2 > As a developer I want to deploy my app using Kubernetes manifests published as OCI artifacts to GHCR. First create a secret using a GitHub token that allows access to GHCR: ```sh kubectl create secret docker-registry my-app-regcred \ --docker-server=ghcr.io \ --docker-username=$GITHUB_USER \ --docker-password=$GITHUB_TOKEN ``` Then create a secret with your cosgin public key: ```sh kubectl create secret generic my-app-cosgin-key \ --from-file=cosign.pub=cosign/my-key.pub ``` Then define an `OCIRepository` to fetch and verify the latest app config version: ```yaml apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: OCIRepository metadata: name: app-config namespace: default spec: interval: 10m url: oci://ghcr.io/org/my-app-config ref: semver: "1.x" secretRef: name: my-app-regcred verify: provider: cosign secretRef: name: my-app-cosgin-key ``` And finally, create a Flux Kustomization to reconcile the app on the cluster: ```yaml apiVersion: kustomize.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: Kustomization metadata: name: app namespace: default spec: interval: 10m sourceRef: kind: OCIRepository name: app-config path: ./deploy prune: true wait: true timeout: 2m ``` ### Alternatives An alternative solution is to introduce an OCI artifact type especially made for Kubernetes configuration. That is considered unpractical, as introducing an OCI type has to go through the IANA process and Flux is not the owner of those type as Helm is for Helm artifact for example. ## Design Details Both the Flux CLI and source-controller will use the [go-containerregistry](https://github.com/google/go-containerregistry) library for OCI operations such as push, pull, tag, list tags, etc. For authentication purposes, the `flux artifact` commands will use the `~/.docker/config.json` config file and the Docker credential helpers. The source-controller will reuse the authentication library from [image-reflector-controller](https://github.com/fluxcd/image-reflector-controller). The Flux CLI will produce OCI artifacts with the following format: ```json { "schemaVersion": 2, "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json", "config": { "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.container.image.v1+json", "size": 233, "digest": "sha256:3b6cdcc7adcc9a84d3214ee1c029543789d90b5ae69debe9efa3f66e982875de" }, "layers": [ { "mediaType": "application/vnd.docker.image.rootfs.diff.tar.gzip", "size": 1091, "digest": "sha256:ad804afeae14a8a5c9a45b29f4931104a887844691d040c8737ee3cce6fd6735" } ], "annotations": { "org.opencontainers.image.created": "2022-08-08T12:31:41+03:00", "org.opencontainers.image.revision": "6.1.8/b3b00fe35424a45d373bf4c7214178bc36fd7872", "org.opencontainers.image.source": "https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo.git" } } ``` The source-controller will extract the first layer from the OCI artifact, and will repackage it as an internal `sourcev1.Artifact`. The internal artifact revision will be set to the OCI SHA256 digest and the OpenContainers annotation will be copied to the internal artifact metadata: ```yaml apiVersion: source.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v1beta2 kind: OCIRepository metadata: creationTimestamp: "2022-06-22T09:14:19Z" finalizers: - finalizers.fluxcd.io generation: 1 name: podinfo namespace: oci resourceVersion: "6603" uid: 42e0b9f0-021c-476d-86c7-2cd20747bfff spec: interval: 10m ref: tag: 6.1.6 timeout: 60s url: oci://ghcr.io/stefanprodan/manifests/podinfo status: artifact: checksum: d7e924b4882e55b97627355c7b3d2e711e9b54303afa2f50c25377f4df66a83b lastUpdateTime: "2022-06-22T09:14:21Z" metadata: org.opencontainers.image.created: "2022-08-08T12:31:41+03:00" org.opencontainers.image.revision: 6.1.8/b3b00fe35424a45d373bf4c7214178bc36fd7872 org.opencontainers.image.source: https://github.com/stefanprodan/podinfo.git path: ocirepository/oci/podinfo/3b6cdcc7adcc9a84d3214ee1c029543789d90b5ae69debe9efa3f66e982875de.tar.gz revision: 3b6cdcc7adcc9a84d3214ee1c029543789d90b5ae69debe9efa3f66e982875de size: 1105 url: http://source-controller.flux-system.svc.cluster.local./ocirepository/oci/podinfo/3b6cdcc7adcc9a84d3214ee1c029543789d90b5ae69debe9efa3f66e982875de.tar.gz conditions: - lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-22T09:14:21Z" message: stored artifact for revision '3b6cdcc7adcc9a84d3214ee1c029543789d90b5ae69debe9efa3f66e982875de' observedGeneration: 1 reason: Succeeded status: "True" type: Ready - lastTransitionTime: "2022-06-22T09:14:21Z" message: stored artifact for revision '3b6cdcc7adcc9a84d3214ee1c029543789d90b5ae69debe9efa3f66e982875de' observedGeneration: 1 reason: Succeeded status: "True" type: ArtifactInStorage observedGeneration: 1 url: http://source-controller.flux-system.svc.cluster.local./ocirepository/oci/podinfo/latest.tar.gz ``` ### Enabling the feature The feature is enabled by default. ## Implementation History * **2022-08-08** Partially implemented by [source-controller#788](https://github.com/fluxcd/source-controller/pull/788) * **2022-06-06** First implementation released with [flux2 v0.32.0](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases/tag/v0.32.0) ### TODOs * Add support for verifying the OCI artifacts with cosign