# Flux RFCs In many cases, new features and enhancements are proposed on [flux2/discussions](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/discussions). A proposal is discussed in public by maintainers, contributors, users and other interested parties. After some form of consensus is reached between participants, the proposed changes go through the pull request process where the implementation details are reviewed, approved or rejected by maintainers. Some proposals may be **substantial**, and for these we ask for a design process to be followed so that all stakeholders can be confident about the direction Flux is evolving in. The "RFC" (request for comments) process is intended to provide a consistent and controlled path for substantial changes to enter Flux. Examples of substantial changes: - API additions (new kinds of resources, new relationships between existing APIs) - API breaking changes (new required fields, field removals) - Security related changes (Flux controllers permissions, tenant isolation and impersonation) - Impactful UX changes (new required inputs to the bootstrap process) - Drop capabilities (sunset an existing integration with an external service due to security concerns) ## RFC Template ```text # RFC-NNNN Title **Status:** provisional **Creation Date:** YYYY-MM-DD **Last update:** YYYY-MM-DD ## Summary ## Motivation ### Goals ### Non-Goals ## Proposal ### User Stories ### Alternatives ## Design Details ## Implementation History ```