name: release on: push: tags: [ 'v*' ] permissions: contents: read jobs: release-flux-cli: outputs: hashes: ${{ steps.slsa.outputs.hashes }} image_url: ${{ steps.slsa.outputs.image_url }} image_digest: ${{ steps.slsa.outputs.image_digest }} runs-on: ubuntu-latest permissions: contents: write # needed to write releases id-token: write # needed for keyless signing packages: write # needed for ghcr access steps: - name: Checkout uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2 - name: Unshallow run: git fetch --prune --unshallow - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@f111f3307d8850f501ac008e886eec1fd1932a34 # v5.3.0 with: go-version: 1.23.x cache: false - name: Setup QEMU uses: docker/setup-qemu-action@4574d27a4764455b42196d70a065bc6853246a25 # v3.4.0 - name: Setup Docker Buildx id: buildx uses: docker/setup-buildx-action@f7ce87c1d6bead3e36075b2ce75da1f6cc28aaca # v3.9.0 - name: Setup Syft uses: anchore/sbom-action/download-syft@f325610c9f50a54015d37c8d16cb3b0e2c8f4de0 # v0.18.0 - name: Setup Cosign uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@c56c2d3e59e4281cc41dea2217323ba5694b171e # v3.8.0 - name: Setup Kustomize uses: fluxcd/pkg/actions/kustomize@c964ce7b91949ff4b5e3959db4f1d7bb2e029a49 # main - name: Login to GitHub Container Registry uses: docker/login-action@9780b0c442fbb1117ed29e0efdff1e18412f7567 # v3.3.0 with: registry: username: fluxcdbot password: ${{ secrets.GHCR_TOKEN }} - name: Login to Docker Hub uses: docker/login-action@9780b0c442fbb1117ed29e0efdff1e18412f7567 # v3.3.0 with: username: fluxcdbot password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_FLUXCD_PASSWORD }} - name: Generate manifests run: | make cmd/flux/.manifests.done ./manifests/scripts/ "" ./output manifests.tar.gz kustomize build ./manifests/install > ./output/install.yaml - name: Build CRDs run: | kustomize build manifests/crds > all-crds.yaml - name: Generate OpenAPI JSON schemas from CRDs uses: fluxcd/pkg/actions/crdjsonschema@c964ce7b91949ff4b5e3959db4f1d7bb2e029a49 # main with: crd: all-crds.yaml output: schemas - name: Archive the OpenAPI JSON schemas run: | tar -czvf ./output/crd-schemas.tar.gz -C schemas . - name: Download release notes utility env: GH_REL_URL: run: cd /tmp && curl -sSL ${GH_REL_URL} | tar xz && sudo mv github-release-notes /usr/local/bin/ - name: Generate release notes run: | NOTES="./output/" echo '## CLI Changelog' > ${NOTES} github-release-notes -org fluxcd -repo flux2 -since-latest-release -include-author >> ${NOTES} env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} - name: Run GoReleaser id: run-goreleaser uses: goreleaser/goreleaser-action@9ed2f89a662bf1735a48bc8557fd212fa902bebf # v6.1.0 with: version: latest args: release --release-notes=output/ --skip=validate env: GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} HOMEBREW_TAP_GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BOT_GITHUB_TOKEN }} AUR_BOT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY: ${{ secrets.AUR_BOT_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY }} - name: Generate SLSA metadata id: slsa env: ARTIFACTS: "${{ }}" run: | set -euo pipefail hashes=$(echo -E $ARTIFACTS | jq --raw-output '.[] | {name, "digest": (.extra.Digest // .extra.Checksum)} | select(.digest) | {digest} + {name} | join(" ") | sub("^sha256:";"")' | base64 -w0) echo "hashes=$hashes" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT image_url=fluxcd/flux-cli:$GITHUB_REF_NAME echo "image_url=$image_url" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT image_digest=$(docker buildx imagetools inspect ${image_url} --format '{{json .}}' | jq -r .manifest.digest) echo "image_digest=$image_digest" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT release-flux-manifests: runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: release-flux-cli permissions: id-token: write packages: write steps: - uses: actions/checkout@11bd71901bbe5b1630ceea73d27597364c9af683 # v4.2.2 - name: Setup Kustomize uses: fluxcd/pkg/actions/kustomize@c964ce7b91949ff4b5e3959db4f1d7bb2e029a49 # main - name: Setup Flux CLI uses: ./action/ - name: Prepare id: prep run: | VERSION=$(flux version --client | awk '{ print $NF }') echo "version=${VERSION}" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT - name: Login to GHCR uses: docker/login-action@9780b0c442fbb1117ed29e0efdff1e18412f7567 # v3.3.0 with: registry: username: fluxcdbot password: ${{ secrets.GHCR_TOKEN }} - name: Login to DockerHub uses: docker/login-action@9780b0c442fbb1117ed29e0efdff1e18412f7567 # v3.3.0 with: username: fluxcdbot password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_FLUXCD_PASSWORD }} - name: Push manifests to GHCR run: | mkdir -p ./ flux install \ --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \ --export > ./ cd ./ && flux push artifact \ oci://${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }} \ --path="./flux-system" \ --source=${{ github.repositoryUrl }} \ --revision="${{ github.ref_name }}@sha1:${{ github.sha }}" - name: Push manifests to DockerHub run: | mkdir -p ./ flux install \ --components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \ --export > ./ cd ./ && flux push artifact \ oci://${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }} \ --path="./flux-system" \ --source=${{ github.repositoryUrl }} \ --revision="${{ github.ref_name }}@sha1:${{ github.sha }}" - uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@c56c2d3e59e4281cc41dea2217323ba5694b171e # v3.8.0 - name: Sign manifests env: COSIGN_EXPERIMENTAL: 1 run: | cosign sign --yes${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }} cosign sign --yes${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }} - name: Tag manifests run: | flux tag artifact oci://${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }} \ --tag latest flux tag artifact oci://${{ steps.prep.outputs.version }} \ --tag latest release-provenance: needs: [release-flux-cli] permissions: actions: read # for detecting the Github Actions environment. id-token: write # for creating OIDC tokens for signing. contents: write # for uploading attestations to GitHub releases. uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_generic_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0 with: provenance-name: "provenance.intoto.jsonl" base64-subjects: "${{ needs.release-flux-cli.outputs.hashes }}" upload-assets: true dockerhub-provenance: needs: [release-flux-cli] permissions: actions: read # for detecting the Github Actions environment. id-token: write # for creating OIDC tokens for signing. packages: write # for uploading attestations. uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_container_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0 with: image: ${{ needs.release-flux-cli.outputs.image_url }} digest: ${{ needs.release-flux-cli.outputs.image_digest }} registry-username: fluxcdbot secrets: registry-password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_FLUXCD_PASSWORD }} ghcr-provenance: needs: [release-flux-cli] permissions: actions: read # for detecting the Github Actions environment. id-token: write # for creating OIDC tokens for signing. packages: write # for uploading attestations. uses: slsa-framework/slsa-github-generator/.github/workflows/generator_container_slsa3.yml@v2.0.0 with: image:${{ needs.release-flux-cli.outputs.image_url }} digest: ${{ needs.release-flux-cli.outputs.image_digest }} registry-username: fluxcdbot secrets: registry-password: ${{ secrets.GHCR_TOKEN }}