# RFC-NNNN Title <!-- The title must be short and descriptive. --> **Status:** provisional <!-- Status represents the current state of the RFC. Must be one of `provisional`, `implementable`, `implemented`, `deferred`, `rejected`, `withdrawn`, or `replaced`. --> **Creation date:** YYYY-MM-DD **Last update:** YYYY-MM-DD ## Summary <!-- One paragraph explanation of the proposed feature or enhancement. --> ## Motivation <!-- This section is for explicitly listing the motivation, goals, and non-goals of this RFC. Describe why the change is important and the benefits to users. --> ### Goals <!-- List the specific goals of this RFC. What is it trying to achieve? How will we know that this has succeeded? --> ### Non-Goals <!-- What is out of scope for this RFC? Listing non-goals helps to focus discussion and make progress. --> ## Proposal <!-- This is where we get down to the specifics of what the proposal actually is. This should have enough detail that reviewers can understand exactly what you're proposing, but should not include things like API designs or implementation. If the RFC goal is to document best practices, then this section can be replaced with the the actual documentation. --> ### User Stories <!-- Optional if existing discussions and/or issues are linked in the motivation section. --> ### Alternatives <!-- List plausible alternatives to the proposal and explain why the proposal is superior. This is a good place to incorporate suggestions made during discussion of the RFC. --> ## Design Details <!-- This section should contain enough information that the specifics of your change are understandable. This may include API specs and code snippets. The design details should address at least the following questions: - How can this feature be enabled / disabled? - Does enabling the feature change any default behavior? - Can the feature be disabled once it has been enabled? - How can an operator determine if the feature is in use? - Are there any drawbacks when enabling this feature? --> ## Implementation History <!-- Major milestones in the lifecycle of the RFC such as: - The first Flux release where an initial version of the RFC was available. - The version of Flux where the RFC graduated to general availability. - The version of Flux where the RFC was retired or superseded. -->