Julian Lengelsen 7994829765
Fix ownership issue in bash install script
When using tar with sudo the extracted files will retain the ownership
of the files in the archive. When using the bash install script the flux
binary is owned by user ID 1001 and group docker after installation.

This commit fixes the ownership by appending the -o option to the tar
command which will extract files with the correct ownership, namely user
root and group root.

Signed-off-by: Julian Lengelsen <julian.lengelsen@th-koeln.de>
README.md Fix install script
flux.sh Fix ownership issue in bash install script


flux CLI Installation

Binaries for macOS and Linux AMD64 are available for download on the release page.

To install the latest release run:

curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fluxcd/flux2/main/install/flux.sh | sudo bash

The install script does the following:

  • attempts to detect your OS
  • downloads and unpacks the release tar file in a temporary directory
  • copies the flux binary to /usr/local/bin
  • removes the temporary directory

If you want to use flux as a kubectl plugin, rename the binary to kubectl-flux:

mv /usr/local/bin/flux /usr/local/bin/kubectl-flux

Build from source

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2
cd flux2

Build the flux binary (requires go >= 1.15):

make build

Run the binary:

./bin/flux -h