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18 lines
802 B

pkgbase = flux-bin
pkgdesc = Open and extensible continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes
pkgver = ${PKGVER}
pkgrel = ${PKGREL}
url =
arch = x86_64
arch = armv6h
arch = armv7h
arch = aarch64
license = APACHE
optdepends = kubectl
source_x86_64 = flux-bin-${PKGVER}.tar.gz::${PKGVER}_linux_amd64.tar.gz
source_armv6h = flux-bin-${PKGVER}.tar.gz::${PKGVER}_linux_arm.tar.gz
source_armv7h = flux-bin-${PKGVER}.tar.gz::${PKGVER}_linux_arm.tar.gz
source_aarch64 = flux-bin-${PKGVER}.tar.gz::${PKGVER}_linux_arm64.tar.gz
pkgname = flux-bin