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Sanskar Jaiswal e3f6b242ea
rfc: add passswordless auth for git repos draft
Signed-off-by: Sanskar Jaiswal <>
2 years ago
.. rfc: add passswordless auth for git repos draft 2 years ago

RFC-0006 Passwordless authentication for Git repositories

Status: provisional

Creation date: 2023-31-07


Flux should provide a mechanism to authenticate against Git repositories without the use of passwords. This RFC proposes the use of alternative authentication methods like OIDC, OAuth2 and IAM to access Git repositories hosted on specific Git SaaS platforms and cloud providers.


At the moment, Flux supports HTTP basic and bearer authentication. Users are required to create a Secret containing the username and the password/bearer token, which is then referred to in the GitRepository using .spec.secretRef.

While this works fine, it has a couple of drawbacks:

  • Scalability: Each new GitRepository potentially warrants another credentials pair, which doesn't scale well in big organizations with hundreds of repositories with different owners, increasing the risk of mismanagement and leaks.
  • Identity: A username is associated with an actual human. But often, the repository belongs to a team of 2 or more people. This leads to a problem where teams have to decide whose credentials should Flux use for authentication.

These problems exist not due to flaws in Flux, but because of the inherent nature of password based authentication.

With support for OIDC, OAuth2 and IAM based authentication, we can eliminate these problems:

  • Scalability: Since OIDC is fully handled by the cloud provider, it eliminates any user involvement in managing credentials. For OAuth2 and IAM, users do need to provide certain information like the ID of the resource, private key, etc. but these are still a better alternative to passwords since the same resource can be reused by multiple teams with different members.
  • Identity: Since all the above authentication methods are associated with a virtual resource independent of a user, it solves the problem of a single person being tied to automation that several people are involved in.


  • Integrate with major cloud providers' OIDC and IAM offerings to provide a seamless way of Git repository authentication.
  • Integrate with major Git SaaS providers to support their app based OAuth2 mechanism.


  • Replace the existing basic and bearer authentication API.


A new string field .spec.provider shall be added to the GitRepository API. The field will be an enum with the following variants:

  • azure
  • github
  • gcp

AWS CodeCommit is not supported as it does not support authentication via IAM Roles without the use of

By default, it will be blank, which indicates that the user wants to authenticate via HTTP basic/bearer auth or SSH.


Git repositories hosted on Azure Devops can be accessed by Flux using OIDC if the cluster running Flux is hosted on AKS with managed identity enabled. The managed identity associated with the cluster must have sufficient permissions to be able to access Azure Devops resources. This enables Flux to access the Git repository without the need for any credentials.

kind: GitRepository
  name: azure-devops
  interval: 1m
    branch: master
  # notice the lack of secretRef
  provider: azure


Git repositories hosted on Google Cloud Source Repositories can be accessed by Flux via a GCP Service Account. The Service Account must have sufficient permissions to be able to access Google Cloud Source Repositories and its credentials should be specified in the secret referred to in .spec.secretRef.

kind: GitRepository
  name: gcp-repo
  interval: 1m
    branch: master
  provider: gcp
    name: gcp-sa
kind: Secret
  name: gcp-sa
  gcpServiceAccount: |
      "type": "service_account",
      "project_id": "my-google-project",
      "private_key_id": "REDACTED",
      "private_key": "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----\nREDACTED\n-----END PRIVATE KEY-----\n",
      "client_email": "<service-account-id>",
      "client_id": "REDACTED",
      "auth_uri": "",
      "token_uri": "",
      "auth_provider_x509_cert_url": "",
      "client_x509_cert_url": "<service-account-id>"


Git repositories hosted on GitHub can be accessed via GitHub Apps. This allows users to create a single resource from which they can access all their GitHub repositories. The app must have sufficient permissions to be able to access repositories. The app's ID, private key and installation ID should be mentioned in the Secret referred to by .spec.secretRef. GitHub Enterprise users will also need to mention their GitHub API URL in the Secret.

kind: GitRepository
  name: github-repo
  interval: 1m
    branch: master
  provider: github
    name: github-app
kind: Secret
  name: gcp-sa
  githubAppID: <app-id>
  githubInstallationID: <installation-id>
  githubPrivateKey: |
  githubApiURl: <github-enterprise-api-url> #optional, required only for GitHub Enterprise users

Design Details


If .spec.provider is set to azure, Flux controllers will reach out to Azure IMDS (Instance Metadata Service) to get an access token. This access token will be then used as a bearer token to perform HTTP bearer authentication.


If .spec.provider is set to gcp, Flux controllers will get the Service Account credentials from the specified Secret and use google.CredentialsFromJSON to fetch the access token. This access token will be then used as the password and the client_email as the username to perform HTTP basic authentication.


If .spec.provider is set to github, Flux controllers will get the app details from the specified Secret and use it to generate an app installation token. This token is then used as the password and x-access-token as the username to perform HTTP basic authentication.


To avoid calling the upstream API for a token during every reconciliation, Flux controllers shall cache the token after fetching it. Since GitHub and GCP tokens self-expire, the cache shall automatically evict the token after it has expired, triggering a fetch of a fresh token.

While Azure's managed identities subsystem caches the token, it is recommended for the consumer application to implement their own caching as well.