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51 lines
1.3 KiB

set -euf
DIR=$(dirname "$(readlink -f $0)")
fix_one_problem_in_file() {
local filename=$1
local error
error=$(yamllint -f parsable "$filename" | grep 'wrong indentation: expected' \
| head -n 1)
if [ -z "$error" ]; then
return 1
local line=$(echo $error | cut -d: -f2)
local expected=$(echo $error | cut -d: -f5 | sed 's/.* expected //;s/ but found.*//')
local found=$(echo $error | cut -d: -f5 | sed 's/.*but found //;s/(inde.*//')
"$DIR/yaml-remove-indentation" "$filename" $line $expected $found
return 0
reformat_yaml() {
local in=$1
local out=$2
python -c 'import sys, yaml; yaml.dump(yaml.load(sys.stdin), sys.stdout)' <"$in" >"$out"
fix_one_file() {
local filename=$1
local backup=$(mktemp originalXXXXX)
cp "$filename" "$backup"
echo "FIXING $file"
while fix_one_problem_in_file "$filename"; do continue; done
echo "CHECKING $file"
local tmp_old=$(mktemp oldXXXXX)
local tmp_new=$(mktemp newXXXXX)
reformat_yaml "$backup" "$tmp_old"
reformat_yaml "$filename" "$tmp_new"
if ! diff -q "$tmp_old" "$tmp_new" &>/dev/null; then
echo "error: after reformating, the file contents is detected different."
echo "diff $backup $filename"
echo "diff $tmp_old $tmp_new"
exit 1
rm "$backup" "$tmp_old" "$tmp_new"
for file in "$@"; do
fix_one_file "$file"