Because `` is deprecated, let's switch from:
python build_sphinx
make -C docs html
to build Sphinx documentation.
The generated HTML files in `docs/_build/html` are exactly the same (I
compared with `diff -qr`).
Also add `-W` (turn warnings into errors) to the `sphinx-build` options
to keep the previous behavior.
Recently `python build_sphinx` started failing with:
pkg_resources.VersionConflict: (Pygments 2.3.1
(/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages), Requirement.parse('Pygments>=2.12'))
The reason is that `doc8` 1.0.0 installs `Pygments` 2.3.1, then `Sphinx`
5.3.0 needs `Pygments` ≥ 2.12.
The easiest fix is to change the install order.