Commit Graph

2 Commits (48c2c13dc04c6ef089be146f2f8bbcee279c7241)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Joel Baranick fb400dc64b Allow disabling all checks for a file
Allow disabling of a file, even if it is invalid YAML (syntax error) by
including `# yamllint disable-file` in the first line.
5 years ago
Adrien Vergé 0eb310e102 Allow disabling yamllint checks using comments
Implement problem report disabling with comments in YAML source, for

    # The following mapping contains the same key twice,
    # but I know what I'm doing:
    key: value 1
    key: value 2  # yamllint disable-line rule:key-duplicates


    # yamllint disable rule:colons
    - Lorem       : ipsum
      dolor       : sit amet,
      consectetur : adipiscing elit
    # yamllint enable rule:colons

Closes: #8
9 years ago