Development =========== yamllint provides both a script and a Python module. The latter can be used to write your own linting tools. Basic example of running the linter from Python: .. code-block:: python import yamllint yaml_config = yamllint.config.YamlLintConfig("extends: default") for p in"example.yaml", yaml_config): print(p.desc, p.line, p.rule) .. automodule:: yamllint.linter :members: Develop rule plugins --------------------- yamllint provides a plugin mechanism using setuptools (pkg_resources) to allow adding custom rules. So, you can extend yamllint and add rules with your own custom yamllint rule plugins if you developed them. yamllint plugins are Python packages installable using pip and distributed under GPLv3+. To develop yamllint rules, it is recommended to copy the example from ``tests/yamllint_plugin_example``, and follow its README file. Also, the core rules themselves in ``yamllint/rules`` are good references.