@ -328,3 +328,30 @@ tk create helmrelease sealed-secrets \
--chart-name=sealed-secrets \
### Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
The GitOps Toolkit comes with an optional monitoring stack.
You can install the stack in the `gitops-system` namespace with:
kustomize build github.com/fluxcd/toolkit/manifests/monitoring?ref=master | kubectl apply -f-
The monitoring stack is composed of:
* Prometheus server - collects metrics from the toolkit controllers and stores them for 2h
* Grafana dashboards - displays the control plane resource usage and reconciliation stats


If you wish to use your own Prometheus and Grafana instances, then you can import the dashboards from
!!! hint
Note that the toolkit controllers expose the `/metrics` endpoint on port `8080`.
When using Prometheus Operator you should create `PodMonitor` objects to configure scraping.
When Prometheus is running outside of the `gitops-system` namespace, you have to create a network policy
that allows traffic on port `8080` from the namespace where Prometheus is deployed.