@ -60,9 +60,14 @@ the tests:
To create the necessary IAM role with all the permissions, set up CI secrets and
variables using
[azure-gh-actions ](https://github.com/fluxcd/test-infra/tree/main/tf-modules/azure/github-actions )
use the terraform configuration below. Please make sure all the requirements of
azure-gh-actions are followed before running it.
provider "github" {
owner = "fluxcd"
resource "tls_private_key" "privatekey" {
algorithm = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 4096
@ -96,10 +101,10 @@ module "azure_gh_actions" {
github_secret_tenant_id_name = "AZ_ARM_TENANT_ID"
github_secret_custom = {
"TF_VAR_azuredevops_org" = "< org-name> ",
"TF_VAR_azuredevops_pat" = "< pat> ",
"GITREPO_SSH_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.private_key_openssh),
"GITREPO_SSH_PUB_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.public_key_openssh)
"TF_VAR_azuredevops_org" = "< azuredevops- org-name> ",
"TF_VAR_azuredevops_pat" = "< azuredevops- pat> ",
"AZURE_ GITREPO_SSH_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.private_key_openssh),
"AZURE_ GITREPO_SSH_PUB_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.public_key_openssh)
@ -112,6 +117,9 @@ Copy the `publickey` output printed after applying, or run `terraform output` to
print it again, and add it in the Azure DevOps SSH public keys under the user
account that'll be used by flux in the tests.
**NOTE:** The environment variables used above are for the GitHub workflow that
runs the tests. Change the variable names if needed accordingly.
## GCP
### Architecture
@ -188,11 +196,16 @@ Following roles are needed for provisioning the infrastructure and running the t
To create the necessary IAM role with all the permissions, set up CI secrets and
variables using
[gcp-gh-actions ](https://github.com/fluxcd/test-infra/tree/main/tf-modules/gcp/github-actions )
use the terraform configuration below. Please make sure all the requirements of
gcp-gh-actions are followed before running it.
provider "google" {}
provider "github" {
owner = "fluxcd"
resource "tls_private_key" "privatekey" {
algorithm = "RSA"
rsa_bits = 4096
@ -221,11 +234,11 @@ module "gcp_gh_actions" {
github_secret_credentials_name = "FLUX2_E2E_GOOGLE_CREDENTIALS"
github_secret_custom = {
"TF_VAR_gcp_keyring" = "< keyring-name > ",
"TF_VAR_gcp_crypto_key" = "< key-name > ",
"TF_VAR_gcp_email" = "< email > ",
"GITREPO_SSH_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.private_key_openssh),
"GITREPO_SSH_PUB_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.public_key_openssh)
"TF_VAR_gcp_keyring" = "< keyring-name > ",
"TF_VAR_gcp_crypto_key" = "< key-name > ",
"TF_VAR_gcp_email" = "< email > ",
"GCP_G ITREPO_SSH_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.private_key_openssh),
"GCP_G ITREPO_SSH_PUB_CONTENTS" = base64encode(tls_private_key.privatekey.public_key_openssh)
@ -238,6 +251,9 @@ Copy the `publickey` output printed after applying, or run `terraform output` to
print it again, and add it in the Google Source Repository SSH public keys under
the user account with email address referred in `TF_VAR_gcp_email` above.
**NOTE:** The environment variables used above are for the GitHub workflow that
runs the tests. Change the variable names if needed accordingly.
## Tests
Each test run is initiated by running `terraform apply` in the provider's terraform directory e.g terraform apply,