createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&helmReleaseArgs.dependsOn,"depends-on",nil,"HelmReleases that must be ready before this release can be installed, supported formats '<name>' and '<namespace>/<name>'")
createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringVar(&helmReleaseArgs.targetNamespace,"target-namespace","","namespace to install this release, defaults to the HelmRelease namespace")
createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringVar(&helmReleaseArgs.saName,"service-account","","the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this HelmRelease")
createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringVar(&helmReleaseArgs.valuesFile,"values","","local path to the values.yaml file")
createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&helmReleaseArgs.valuesFile,"values",nil,"local path to values.yaml files")
--service-account string the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this HelmRelease
--source helmChartSource source that contains the chart in the format '<kind>/<name>', where kind must be one of: (HelmRepository, GitRepository, Bucket)
--target-namespace string namespace to install this release, defaults to the HelmRelease namespace
--values string local path to the values.yaml file
--values stringArray local path to values.yaml files
--values-from helmReleaseValuesFrom Kubernetes object reference that contains the values.yaml data key in the format '<kind>/<name>', where kind must be one of: (Secret, ConfigMap)