@ -439,6 +439,12 @@ For testing purposes you can install Flux without storing its manifests in a Git
flux install --arch=amd64
Or using kustomize and kubectl:
kustomize build https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/manifests/install?ref=main | kubectl apply -f-
Then you can register Git repositories and reconcile them on your cluster:
@ -473,12 +479,75 @@ flux create helmrelease nginx \
## Monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana
## Upgrade
Update Flux CLI to the latest release with `brew upgrade fluxcd/tap/flux` or by
downloading the binary from [GitHub](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases).
Verify that you are running the latest version with:
flux --version
### Bootstrap upgrade
If you've used the [bootstrap](#bootstrap) procedure to deploy Flux,
then rerun the bootstrap command for each cluster using the same arguments as before:
flux bootstrap github \
--owner=my-github-username \
--repository=my-repository \
--branch=main \
--path=clusters/my-cluster \
The above command will clone the repository, it will update the components manifest in
`<path>/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml` and it will push the changes to the remote branch.
Tell Flux to pull the manifests from Git and upgrade itself with:
flux reconcile source git flux-system
Verify that the controllers have been upgrade with:
flux check
### Terraform upgrade
Update the Flux provider to the [latest release](https://github.com/fluxcd/terraform-provider-flux/releases)
and run `terraform apply`.
Tell Flux to upgrade itself in-cluster or wait for it to pull the latest commit from Git:
kubectl annotate --overwrite gitrepository/flux-system reconcile.fluxcd.io/requestedAt="$(date +%s)"
### In-cluster upgrade
Flux comes with a monitoring stack composed of Prometheus and Grafana. The controllers expose
metrics that can be used to track the readiness of the cluster reconciliation process.
If you've installed Flux directly on the cluster, then rerun the install command:
To install the monitoring stack please follow this [guide](monitoring.md).
flux install --version=latest
The above command will download the latest manifests from
[GitHub](https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/releases) and it will apply them on your cluster.
You can verify that the controllers have been upgraded to the latest version with `flux check`.
If you've installed Flux directly on the cluster with kubectl,
then rerun the command using the latest manifests from the `main` branch:
kustomize build https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2/manifests/install?ref=main | kubectl apply -f-
## Uninstall