Allow specifying the name of the Kubernetes Secret that contains a key with the kubeconfig file for connecting to a remote cluster.
Signed-off-by: Stefan Prodan <>
createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringSliceVar(&helmReleaseArgs.valuesFiles,"values",nil,"local path to values.yaml files, also accepts comma-separated values")
createHelmReleaseCmd.Flags().StringVar(&helmReleaseArgs.kubeConfigSecretRef,"kubeconfig-secret-ref","","the name of the Kubernetes Secret that contains a key with the kubeconfig file for connecting to a remote cluster")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringVar(&kustomizationArgs.decryptionSecret,"decryption-secret","","set the Kubernetes secret name that contains the OpenPGP private keys used for sops decryption")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringVar(&kustomizationArgs.targetNamespace,"target-namespace","","overrides the namespace of all Kustomization objects reconciled by this Kustomization")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringVar(&kustomizationArgs.kubeConfigSecretRef,"kubeconfig-secret-ref","","the name of the Kubernetes Secret that contains a key with the kubeconfig file for connecting to a remote cluster")
createKsCmd.Flags().MarkDeprecated("validation","this arg is no longer used, all resources are validated using server-side apply dry-run")