--release-name string name used for the Helm release, defaults to a composition of '[<target-namespace>-]<HelmRelease-name>'
--release-name string name used for the Helm release, defaults to a composition of '[<target-namespace>-]<HelmRelease-name>'
--service-account string the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this HelmRelease
--service-account string the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this HelmRelease
--source helmChartSource source that contains the chart in the format '<kind>/<name>', where kind must be one of: (HelmRepository, GitRepository, Bucket)
--source helmChartSource source that contains the chart in the format '<kind>/<name>.<namespace>', where kind must be one of: (HelmRepository, GitRepository, Bucket)
--target-namespace string namespace to install this release, defaults to the HelmRelease namespace
--target-namespace string namespace to install this release, defaults to the HelmRelease namespace
--values stringArray local path to values.yaml files
--values stringArray local path to values.yaml files
--values-from helmReleaseValuesFrom Kubernetes object reference that contains the values.yaml data key in the format '<kind>/<name>', where kind must be one of: (Secret, ConfigMap)
--values-from helmReleaseValuesFrom Kubernetes object reference that contains the values.yaml data key in the format '<kind>/<name>', where kind must be one of: (Secret, ConfigMap)
--path safeRelativePath path to the directory containing a kustomization.yaml file (default ./)
--path safeRelativePath path to the directory containing a kustomization.yaml file (default ./)
--prune enable garbage collection
--prune enable garbage collection
--service-account string the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this Kustomization
--service-account string the name of the service account to impersonate when reconciling this Kustomization
--source kustomizationSource source that contains the Kubernetes manifests in the format '[<kind>/]<name>', where kind must be one of: (GitRepository, Bucket), if kind is not specified it defaults to GitRepository
--source kustomizationSource source that contains the Kubernetes manifests in the format '[<kind>/]<name>.<namespace>', where kind must be one of: (GitRepository, Bucket), if kind is not specified it defaults to GitRepository
--target-namespace string overrides the namespace of all Kustomization objects reconciled by this Kustomization
--target-namespace string overrides the namespace of all Kustomization objects reconciled by this Kustomization
--validation string validate the manifests before applying them on the cluster, can be 'client' or 'server'
--validation string validate the manifests before applying them on the cluster, can be 'client' or 'server'