"source that contains the Kubernetes manifests, format '<kind>/<name>' where kind can be GitRepository or Bucket, if kind is not specified it defaults to GitRepository")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringVar(&ksPath,"path","./","path to the directory containing the Kustomization file")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringVar(&ksPath,"path","./","path to the directory containing the Kustomization file")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&ksHealthCheck,"health-check",nil,"workload to be included in the health assessment, in the format '<kind>/<name>.<namespace>'")
createKsCmd.Flags().StringArrayVar(&ksHealthCheck,"health-check",nil,"workload to be included in the health assessment, in the format '<kind>/<name>.<namespace>'")
--source string source that contains the Kubernetes manifests, format '<kind>/<name>' where kind can be GitRepository or Bucket, if kind is not specified it defaults to GitRepository
--validation string validate the manifests before applying them on the cluster, can be 'client' or 'server'
--validation string validate the manifests before applying them on the cluster, can be 'client' or 'server'