Declarative config in a single Helm custom resource | Declarative config through `HelmRepository`, `GitRepository`, `HelmChart` and `HelmRelease` custom resources
Declarative config in a single Helm custom resource | Declarative config through `HelmRepository`, `GitRepository`, `Bucket`, `HelmChart` and `HelmRelease` custom resources
Chart synchronisation embedded in the operator | Extensive release configuration options, and a reconciliation interval per source
Chart synchronisation embedded in the operator | Extensive release configuration options, and a reconciliation interval per source
Support for fixed SemVer versions from Helm repositories | Support for SemVer ranges for `HelmChart` resources
Support for fixed SemVer versions from Helm repositories | Support for SemVer ranges for `HelmChart` resources
Git repository synchronisation on a global interval | Planned support for charts from GitRepository sources
Git repository synchronisation on a global interval | Planned support for charts from GitRepository sources
Limited observability via the status object of the HelmRelease resource | Better observability via the HelmRelease status object, Kubernetes events, and notifications
Limited observability via the status object of the HelmRelease resource | Better observability via the HelmRelease status object, Kubernetes events, and notifications
Chart changes from Git sources are determined from Git metadata | Chart changes must be accompanied by a version bump in `Chart.yaml` to produce a new artifact
Chart changes from Git sources are determined from Git metadata | Chart changes must be accompanied by a version bump in `Chart.yaml` to produce a new artifact
Chart dependencies for charts from Git sources are downloaded by the operator | Chart dependencies must be committed to Git