@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ flux create source git [name] [flags]
-p, --password string basic authentication password
-p, --password string basic authentication password
--secret-ref string the name of an existing secret containing SSH or basic credentials
--secret-ref string the name of an existing secret containing SSH or basic credentials
--ssh-ecdsa-curve ecdsaCurve SSH ECDSA public key curve (p256, p384, p521) (default p384)
--ssh-ecdsa-curve ecdsaCurve SSH ECDSA public key curve (p256, p384, p521) (default p384)
--ssh-key-algorithm publicKeyAlgorithm SSH public key algorithm (rsa, ecdsa, ed25519)
--ssh-key-algorithm publicKeyAlgorithm SSH public key algorithm (rsa, ecdsa, ed25519) (default rsa)
--ssh-rsa-bits rsaKeyBits SSH RSA public key bit size (multiplies of 8) (default 2048)
--ssh-rsa-bits rsaKeyBits SSH RSA public key bit size (multiplies of 8) (default 2048)
--tag string git tag
--tag string git tag
--tag-semver string git tag semver range
--tag-semver string git tag semver range