mirror of https://github.com/fluxcd/flux2.git
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# Flux GitHub Workflows
## End-to-end Testing
The e2e workflows run a series of tests to ensure that the Flux CLI and
the GitOps Toolkit controllers work well all together.
The tests are written in Go, Bash, Make and Terraform.
| Workflow | Jobs | Runner | Role |
| e2e.yaml | e2e-amd64-kubernetes | GitHub Ubuntu | integration testing with Kubernetes Kind<br/> |
| e2e-arm64.yaml | e2e-arm64-kubernetes | Equinix Ubuntu | integration testing with Kubernetes Kind<br/> |
| e2e-bootstrap.yaml | e2e-boostrap-github | GitHub Ubuntu | integration testing with GitHub API<br/> |
| e2e-azure.yaml | e2e-amd64-aks | GitHub Ubuntu | integration testing with Azure API<br/> |
| scan.yaml | scan-fossa | GitHub Ubuntu | license scanning<br/> |
| scan.yaml | scan-snyk | GitHub Ubuntu | vulnerability scanning<br/> |
| scan.yaml | scan-codeql | GitHub Ubuntu | vulnerability scanning<br/> |
## Components Update
The components update workflow scans the GitOps Toolkit controller repositories for new releases,
amd when it finds a new controller version, the workflow performs the following steps:
- Updates the controller API package version in `go.mod`.
- Patches the controller CRDs version in the `manifests/crds` overlay.
- Patches the controller Deployment version in `manifests/bases` overlay.
- Opens a Pull Request against the `main` branch.
- Triggers the e2e test suite to run for the opened PR.
| Workflow | Jobs | Runner | Role |
| update.yaml | update-components | GitHub Ubuntu | update the GitOps Toolkit APIs and controllers<br/> |
## Release
The release workflow is triggered by a semver Git tag and performs the following steps:
- Generates the Flux install manifests (YAML).
- Generates the OpenAPI validation schemas for the GitOps Toolkit CRDs (JSON).
- Generates a Software Bill of Materials (SPDX JSON).
- Builds the Flux CLI binaries and the multi-arch container images.
- Pushes the container images to GitHub Container Registry and DockerHub.
- Signs the sbom, the binaries checksum and the container images with Cosign and GitHub OIDC.
- Uploads the sbom, binaries, checksums and install manifests to GitHub Releases.
- Pushes the install manifests as OCI artifacts to GitHub Container Registry and DockerHub.
- Signs the OCI artifacts with Cosign and GitHub OIDC.
| Workflow | Jobs | Runner | Role |
| release.yaml | release-flux-cli | GitHub Ubuntu | build, push and sign the CLI release artifacts<br/> |
| release.yaml | release-flux-manifests | GitHub Ubuntu | build, push and sign the Flux install manifests<br/> |
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name: release-manifests
types: [published]
contents: read
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
id-token: write # needed for keyless signing
packages: write # needed for ghcr access
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Setup Kustomize
uses: fluxcd/pkg/actions/kustomize@main
- name: Setup Flux CLI
uses: ./action/
- name: Prepare
id: prep
run: |
VERSION=$(flux version --client | awk '{ print $NF }')
echo ::set-output name=VERSION::${VERSION}
- name: Login to GHCR
uses: docker/login-action@v2
registry: ghcr.io
username: fluxcdbot
password: ${{ secrets.GHCR_TOKEN }}
- name: Login to DockerHub
uses: docker/login-action@v2
username: fluxcdbot
password: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_FLUXCD_PASSWORD }}
- name: Push manifests to GHCR
run: |
mkdir -p ./ghcr.io/flux-system
flux install --registry=ghcr.io/fluxcd \
--components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
--export > ./ghcr.io/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml
cd ./ghcr.io && flux push artifact \
oci://ghcr.io/fluxcd/flux-manifests:${{ steps.prep.outputs.VERSION }} \
--path="./flux-system" \
--source=${{ github.repositoryUrl }} \
--revision="${{ github.ref_name }}/${{ github.sha }}"
- name: Push manifests to DockerHub
run: |
mkdir -p ./docker.io/flux-system
flux install --registry=docker.io/fluxcd \
--components-extra=image-reflector-controller,image-automation-controller \
--export > ./docker.io/flux-system/gotk-components.yaml
cd ./docker.io && flux push artifact \
oci://docker.io/fluxcd/flux-manifests:${{ steps.prep.outputs.VERSION }} \
--path="./flux-system" \
--source=${{ github.repositoryUrl }} \
--revision="${{ github.ref_name }}/${{ github.sha }}"
- uses: sigstore/cosign-installer@main
- name: Sign manifests
run: |
cosign sign ghcr.io/fluxcd/flux-manifests:${{ steps.prep.outputs.VERSION }}
cosign sign docker.io/fluxcd/flux-manifests:${{ steps.prep.outputs.VERSION }}
- name: Tag manifests
run: |
flux tag artifact oci://ghcr.io/fluxcd/flux-manifests:${{ steps.prep.outputs.VERSION }} \
--tag latest
flux tag artifact oci://docker.io/fluxcd/flux-manifests:${{ steps.prep.outputs.VERSION }} \
--tag latest
Reference in New Issue