@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Manage Helm releases
# Manage Helm Releases
The [helm-controller](../components/helm/controller.md) allows you to
declaratively manage Helm chart releases with Kubernetes manifests.
@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ helm-controller.
See the [`HelmRelease` CRD docs](../components/helm/helmreleases.md)
for more details.
## Receive notifications
## Configure notifications
The default toolkit installation configures the helm-controller to
broadcast events to the [notification-controller](../components/notification/controller.md).
@ -126,3 +126,67 @@ apiVersion: notification.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1

## Configure webhook receivers
When using semver ranges for Helm releases, you may want to trigger an update
as soon as a new chart version is published to your Helm repository.
In order to notify source-controller about a chart update,
you can [setup webhook receivers](webhook-receivers.md).
First generate a random string and create a secret with a `token` field:
TOKEN=$(head -c 12 /dev/urandom | shasum | cut -d ' ' -f1)
echo $TOKEN
kubectl -n gitops-system create secret generic webhook-token \
When using [Harbor](https://goharbor.io/) as your Helm repository, you can define a receiver with:
apiVersion: notification.fluxcd.io/v1alpha1
kind: Receiver
name: helm-podinfo
namespace: gitops-system
type: harbor
name: webhook-token
- kind: HelmRepository
name: podinfo
The notification-controller generates a unique URL using the provided token and the receiver name/namespace.
Find the URL with:
$ kubectl -n gitops-system get receiver/helm-podinfo
helm-podinfo True Receiver initialised with URL: /hook/bed6d00b5555b1603e1f59b94d7fdbca58089cb5663633fb83f2815dc626d92b
Log in to the Harbor interface, go to Projects, select a project, and select Webhooks.
Fill the form with:
* Endpoint URL: compose the address using the receiver LB and the generated URL `http://<LoadBalancerAddress>/<ReceiverURL>`
* Auth Header: use the `token` string
With the above settings, when you upload a chart, the following happens:
* Harbor sends the chart push event to the receiver address
* Notification controller validates the authenticity of the payload using the auth header
* Source controller is notified about the changes
* Source controller pulls the changes into the cluster and updates the `HelmChart` version
* Helm controller is notified about the version change and upgrades the release
!!! hint "Note"
Besides Harbor, you can define receivers for **GitHub**, **GitLab**, **Bitbucket**
and any other system that supports webhooks e.g. Jenkins, CircleCI, etc.
See the [Receiver CRD docs](../components/notification/receiver.md) for more details.