Overriding helm values, managing secrets and configmaps with kustomize plus SOPS, semver range policies, and auto uninstalls and rollbacks

Signed-off-by: Scott Rigby <scott@r6by.com>
Scott Rigby 4 years ago committed by Hidde Beydals
parent f4926d1e45
commit f52fec66bd

@ -91,6 +91,116 @@ Why is this important?
If you or your team has ever collaborated with multiple engineers on one or more apps, and/or in more than one namespace or cluster, you probably have a good idea of how declarative, automatic reconciliation can help solve common problems. If you or your team has ever collaborated with multiple engineers on one or more apps, and/or in more than one namespace or cluster, you probably have a good idea of how declarative, automatic reconciliation can help solve common problems.
If not, or either way, you may want to check out this [short introduction to GitOps](https://youtu.be/r-upyR-cfDY). If not, or either way, you may want to check out this [short introduction to GitOps](https://youtu.be/r-upyR-cfDY).
## Customizing Your Release
While Helm charts are usually installable using default configurations, users will often customize charts with their preferred configuration by [overriding the default values](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/using_helm/#customizing-the-chart-before-installing).
The Helm client allows this by imperatively specifying override values with `--set` on the command line, and in additional `--values` files. For example:
helm install my-traefik traefik/traefik --set service.type=ClusterIP
helm install my-traefik traefik/traefik --values ci/kind-values.yaml
where `ci/kind-values.yaml` contains:
type: ClusterIP
Flux Helm Controller allows these same YAML values overrides on the `HelmRelease` CRD.
These can be declared directly in `spec.values`:
type: ClusterIP
and defined in `spec.valuesFrom` as a list of `ConfigMap` and `Secret` resources from which to draw values, allowing reusability and/or greater security.
See `HelmRelease` CRD [values overrides](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/components/helm/helmreleases/#values-overrides) documentation for the latest spec.
## Managing Secrets and ConfigMaps
You may manage these `ConfigMap` and `Secret` resources any way you wish, but there are several benefits to managing these with the Flux Kustomize Controller.
It is fairly straigtforward to use Kustomize `configMapGenerator` to [trigger a Helm release upgrade every time the encoded values change](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/guides/helmreleases/#refer-to-values-in-configmaps-generated-with-kustomize).
This common use case currently solveable in Helm by [adding specially crafted annotations](https://helm.sh/docs/howto/charts_tips_and_tricks/#automatically-roll-deployments) to a chart.
The Flux Kustomize Controller method allows you to accomplish this on any chart without additional templated annotations.
You may also use Kustomize Controller built-in [Mozilla SOPS integration](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/components/kustomize/kustomization/#secrets-decryption) to securely manage your encrypted secrets stored in git.
See the [Flux SOPS guide](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/guides/mozilla-sops/) for step-by-step instructions through various use cases.
## Automatic Release Upgrades
If you want Helm Controller to automatically upgrade your releases when a new chart version is available in the release's referenced `HelmRepository`, you may specify a SemVer range (i.e. `>=4.0.0 <5.0.0`) instead of a fixed version.
This is useful if your release should use a fixed MAJOR chart version, but want the latest MINOR or PATCH versions as they become available.
For full SemVer range syntax, see `Masterminds/semver` [Checking Version Constraints](https://github.com/Masterminds/semver/blob/master/README.md#checking-version-constraints) documentation.
## Automatic Uninstalls and Rollback
The Helm Controller offers an extensive set of configuration options to remediate when a Helm release fails, using [spec.install.remediate](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/components/helm/api/#helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1.InstallRemediation), [spec.upgrade.remediate](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/components/helm/api/#helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1.UpgradeRemediation), [spec.rollback](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/components/helm/api/#helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1.Rollback) and [spec.uninstall](https://toolkit.fluxcd.io/components/helm/api/#helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1.Uninstall).
Features include the option to remediate with an uninstall after an upgrade failure, and the option to keep a failed release for debugging purposes when it has run out of retries.
Here is an example for configuring automated uninstalls (for all available fields, consult the `InstallRemediation` and `Uninstall` API references linked above):
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: my-release
namespace: default
# ...omitted for brevity
# Remediation configuration for when the Helm install
# (or sequent Helm test) action fails
# Number of retries that should be attempted on failures before
# bailing, a negative integer equals to unlimited retries
retries: -1
# Configuration options for the Helm uninstall action
timeout: 5m
disableHooks: false
keepHistory: false
Here is an example of automated rollback configuration (for all available fields, consult the `UpgradeRemediation` and `Rollback` API references linked above):
apiVersion: helm.toolkit.fluxcd.io/v2beta1
kind: HelmRelease
name: my-release
namespace: default
# ...omitted for brevity
# Remediaton configuration for when an Helm upgrade action fails
# Amount of retries to attempt after a failure,
# setting this to 0 means no remedation will be
# attempted
retries: 5
# Configuration options for the Helm rollback action
timeout: 5m
disableWait: false
disableHooks: false
recreate: false
force: false
cleanupOnFail: false
## Next Steps ## Next Steps
- [Guides > Manage Helm Releases](/guides/helmreleases/) - [Guides > Manage Helm Releases](/guides/helmreleases/)
