This includes making a lot of things configurable (e.g. SSH key
algorithm, RSA bit size, etc.) that used to be static.
Signed-off-by: Hidde Beydals <>
bootstrapCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&bootstrapArgs.secretName,"secret-name",rootArgs.defaults.Namespace,"name of the secret the sync credentials can be found in or stored to")
bootstrapCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&bootstrapArgs.sshHostname,"ssh-hostname","","SSH hostname, to be used when the SSH host differs from the HTTPS one")
bootstrapCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&bootstrapArgs.caFile,"ca-file","","path to TLS CA file used for validating self-signed certificates")
bootstrapCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&bootstrapArgs.privateKeyFile,"private-key-file","","path to a private key file used for authenticating to the Git SSH server")
bootstrapCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&bootstrapArgs.authorName,"author-name","Flux","author name for Git commits")
bootstrapCmd.PersistentFlags().StringVar(&bootstrapArgs.authorEmail,"author-email","","author email for Git commits")
bootstrapGitHubCmd.Flags().StringVar(&githubArgs.sshHostname,"ssh-hostname","","GitHub SSH hostname, to be used when the SSH host differs from the HTTPS one")
bootstrapGitHubCmd.Flags().Var(&githubArgs.path,"path","path relative to the repository root, when specified the cluster sync will be scoped to this path")
bootstrapGitHubCmd.Flags().Var(&githubArgs.path,"path","path relative to the repository root, when specified the cluster sync will be scoped to this path")
bootstrapGitHubCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&githubArgs.readWriteKey,"read-write-key",false,"if true, the deploy key is configured with read/write permissions")
bootstrapGitLabCmd.Flags().StringVar(&gitlabArgs.sshHostname,"ssh-hostname","","GitLab SSH hostname, to be used when the SSH host differs from the HTTPS one")
bootstrapGitLabCmd.Flags().Var(&gitlabArgs.path,"path","path relative to the repository root, when specified the cluster sync will be scoped to this path")
bootstrapGitLabCmd.Flags().Var(&gitlabArgs.path,"path","path relative to the repository root, when specified the cluster sync will be scoped to this path")
bootstrapGitLabCmd.Flags().BoolVar(&gitlabArgs.readWriteKey,"read-write-key",false,"if true, the deploy key is configured with read/write permissions")
err=fmt.Errorf("%s is an invalid project name for gitlab.\nIt can contain only letters, digits, emojis, '_', '.', dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or '_'.",gitlabArgs.repository)
returnfmt.Errorf("%s is an invalid project name for gitlab.\nIt can contain only letters, digits, emojis, '_', '.', dash, space. It must start with letter, digit, emoji or '_'.",gitlabArgs.repository)
--author-name string author name for Git commits (default "Flux")
--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--branch string default branch (for GitHub this must match the default branch setting for the organization) (default "main")
--components-extra strings list of components in addition to those supplied or defaulted, accepts comma-separated values
--ca-file string path to TLS CA file used for validating self-signed certificates
--image-pull-secret string Kubernetes secret name used for pulling the toolkit images from a private registry
--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
--network-policy deny ingress access to the toolkit controllers from other namespaces using network policies (default true)
-v, --version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from
--private-key-file string path to a private key file used for authenticating to the Git SSH server
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)
--registry string container registry where the toolkit images are published (default "")
--secret-name string name of the secret the sync credentials can be found in or stored to (default "flux-system")
--ssh-rsa-bits rsaKeyBits SSH RSA public key bit size (multiplies of 8) (default 2048)
--token-auth when enabled, the personal access token will be used instead of SSH deploy key
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
-v, --version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)
--author-name string author name for Git commits (default "Flux")
--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--branch string default branch (for GitHub this must match the default branch setting for the organization) (default "main")
--components-extra strings list of components in addition to those supplied or defaulted, accepts comma-separated values
--ca-file string path to TLS CA file used for validating self-signed certificates
--image-pull-secret string Kubernetes secret name used for pulling the toolkit images from a private registry
--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--kubeconfig string absolute path to the kubeconfig file
--components-extra strings list of components in addition to those supplied or defaulted, accepts comma-separated values
--timeout duration timeout for this operation (default 5m0s)
-n, --namespace string the namespace scope for this operation (default "flux-system")
--token-auth when enabled, the personal access token will be used instead of SSH deploy key
--network-policy deny ingress access to the toolkit controllers from other namespaces using network policies (default true)
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
--private-key-file string path to a private key file used for authenticating to the Git SSH server
--verbose print generated objects
--registry string container registry where the toolkit images are published (default "")
-v, --version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from
--secret-name string name of the secret the sync credentials can be found in or stored to (default "flux-system")
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)
--ssh-rsa-bits rsaKeyBits SSH RSA public key bit size (multiplies of 8) (default 2048)
--timeout duration timeout for this operation (default 5m0s)
--token-auth when enabled, the personal access token will be used instead of SSH deploy key
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
--verbose print generated objects
-v, --version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)
--author-name string author name for Git commits (default "Flux")
--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--branch string default branch (for GitHub this must match the default branch setting for the organization) (default "main")
--components-extra strings list of components in addition to those supplied or defaulted, accepts comma-separated values
--ca-file string path to TLS CA file used for validating self-signed certificates
--image-pull-secret string Kubernetes secret name used for pulling the toolkit images from a private registry
--components strings list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
--kubeconfig string absolute path to the kubeconfig file
--components-extra strings list of components in addition to those supplied or defaulted, accepts comma-separated values
--timeout duration timeout for this operation (default 5m0s)
-n, --namespace string the namespace scope for this operation (default "flux-system")
--token-auth when enabled, the personal access token will be used instead of SSH deploy key
--network-policy deny ingress access to the toolkit controllers from other namespaces using network policies (default true)
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
--private-key-file string path to a private key file used for authenticating to the Git SSH server
--verbose print generated objects
--registry string container registry where the toolkit images are published (default "")
-v, --version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from
--secret-name string name of the secret the sync credentials can be found in or stored to (default "flux-system")
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)
--ssh-rsa-bits rsaKeyBits SSH RSA public key bit size (multiplies of 8) (default 2048)
--timeout duration timeout for this operation (default 5m0s)
--token-auth when enabled, the personal access token will be used instead of SSH deploy key
--toleration-keys strings list of toleration keys used to schedule the components pods onto nodes with matching taints
--verbose print generated objects
-v, --version string toolkit version, when specified the manifests are downloaded from
--watch-all-namespaces watch for custom resources in all namespaces, if set to false it will only watch the namespace where the toolkit is installed (default true)