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RFC-xxxx Flux OCI support for Helm

Status: provisional

Creation date: 2022-03-30

Last update: 2022-03-30


Given that Helm v3.8 supports OCI for package distribution, we should extend the Flux Source API to allow fetching Helm charts from container registries.


Helm OCI support is one of the most requested feature in Flux as seen on this issue.


  • Add support for fetching Helm charts stored as OCI artifacts with minimal API changes to Flux.
  • Make it easy for users to switch from HTTP/S Helm repositories to OCI repositories.


  • Introduce a new API kind for referencing charts stored as OCI artifacts.


Introduce an optional field called type to the HelmRepository spec.

When not specified, the spec.type field defaults to Default which preserve the current HelmRepository API behaviour.

When the spec.type field is set to OCI, the spec.url field must be prefixed with oci:// (to follow the Helm conventions). For oci:// URLs, source-controller will use the Helm SDK and the oras library to connect to the OCI remote storage. For authentication, the controller will use Kubernetes secrets of type.

User Stories

Story 1

As a developer I want to use Flux HelmReleases that refer to Helm charts stored as OCI artifacts in GitHub Container Registry.

First create a secret using a GitHub token that allows access to GHCR:

kubectl create secret docker-registry ghcr-charts \ \
    --docker-username=$GITHUB_USER \

Then define a HelmRepository of type OCI and reference the dockerconfig secret:

kind: HelmRepository
  name: ghcr-charts
  namespace: default
  type: OCI
  url: oci://
    name: ghcr-charts

And finally in Flux HelmReleases, refer to the ghcr-charts HelmRepository:

kind: HelmRelease
  name: podinfo
  namespace: default
  interval: 60m
      chart: my-app
      version: '1.0.x'
        kind: HelmRepository
        name: ghcr-charts
      interval: 1m # check for new OCI artifacts every minute


We could use introduce a new API type e.g. HelmOCIRepository. That is considered unpractical, as there is no benefit for users in having a dedicated kind instead of a type filed in the current HelmRepository API. Adding a type filed to the spec follows the Flux Bucket API design, where the same Kind servers different implementations: AWS S3 vs Azure Blob vs Google Storage.

Design Details

In source-controller we'll add a new predicate for indexing HelmRepositories based on the spec.type field.

When the spec.type field is set to OCI, the HelmRepositoryReconciler will set the HelmRepository Ready status to False if the URL is not prefixed with oci://, otherwise the Ready status will be set to True.

The current HelmChartReconciler will use the HelmRepositories with type: Default. For type: OCI we'll introduce a new reconciler HelmChartOCIReconciler that uses oras to download charts and their dependencies.

Enabling the feature

The feature is enabled by default.