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gotk install

Install the toolkit components


The install command deploys the toolkit components in the specified namespace. If a previous version is installed, then an in-place upgrade will be performed.

gotk install [flags]


  # Install the latest version in the gitops-systems namespace
  gotk install --version=latest --namespace=gitops-systems

  # Dry-run install for a specific version and a series of components
  gotk install --dry-run --version=v0.0.7 --components="source-controller,kustomize-controller"

  # Dry-run install with manifests preview 
  gotk install --dry-run --verbose

  # Write install manifests to file 
  gotk install --export > gitops-system.yaml


      --arch string                arch can be amd64 or arm64 (default "amd64")
      --components strings         list of components, accepts comma-separated values (default [source-controller,kustomize-controller,helm-controller,notification-controller])
      --dry-run                    only print the object that would be applied
      --export                     write the install manifests to stdout and exit
  -h, --help                       help for install
      --image-pull-secret string   Kubernetes secret name used for pulling the toolkit images from a private registry
      --manifests string           path to the manifest directory, dev only
      --registry string            container registry where the toolkit images are published (default "ghcr.io/fluxcd")
  -v, --version string             toolkit version (default "latest")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --kubeconfig string   path to the kubeconfig file (default "~/.kube/config")
      --namespace string    the namespace scope for this operation (default "gitops-system")
      --timeout duration    timeout for this operation (default 5m0s)
      --verbose             print generated objects


  • gotk - Command line utility for assembling Kubernetes CD pipelines