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RFC-0002 Access control for source references

Status: provisional

Creation date: 2021-11-16

Last update: 2022-02-03


Cross-namespace references to Flux sources should be subject to Access Control Lists (ACLs) as defined by the owner of a particular source.

Similar to Kubernetes Network Policies, Flux ACLs define policies for restricting the access to the source artifact server based on the caller's namespace.


As of version 0.26 (Feb 2022), Flux allows for Kustomizations, HelmReleases and ImageUpdateAutomations to reference sources in different namespaces. On multi-tenant clusters, platform admins can disable this behaviour with the --no-cross-namespace-refs flag as described in the multi-tenancy lockdown documentation.

This proposal tries to solve the "cross-namespace references side-step namespace isolation" issue (explained in RFC-0001) for when platform admins want to allow tenants to share sources.


  • Allow source owners to choose which sources are shared and with which namespaces.
  • Allow cluster admins to enforce source ACLs.


  • Enforce source ACLs by default.


Extend the current Image Policy/Repository ACL implementation to all the others Flux resources as described in flux2#1704.

When a Flux resource (Kustomization, HelmRelease or ImageUpdateAutomation) refers to a source (GitRepository, HelmRepository or Bucket) in a different namespace, access is granted based on the source ACL.

The ACL check is performed only if --enable-source-acl flag is set to true for the following controllers:

  • kustomize-controller
  • helm-controller
  • image-automation-controller

User Stories

Story 1

As a cluster admin, I want to share Helm Repositories approved by the platform team with all tenants.

If the owner of a Flux HelmRepository wants to grant access to the repository for all namespaces in a cluster, an empty matchLabels can be used:

kind: HelmRepository
  name: bitnami
  namespace: flux-system
      - matchLabels: {}

If the accessFrom field is not present and --enable-source-acl is set to true, means that a source can't be accessed from any other namespace but the one where it currently resides.

Story 2

As a tenant, I want to share my app repository with another tenant so that they can deploy the application in their own namespace.

If dev-team1 wants to grant read access to their repository to dev-team2, a matchLabels that selects the namespace owned by dev-team2 can be used:

kind: GitRepository
  name: app1
  namespace: dev-team1
  url: ssh://<org>/app1-deploy
    name: app1-ro-ssh-key
      - matchLabels:

Story 3

As a cluster admin, I want to let tenants configure image automation in their namespaces by referring to a Git repository managed by the platform team.

If the owner of a Flux GitRepository wants to grant write access to ImageUpdateAutomations in a different namespace, a matchLabels that selects the image automation namespace can be used:

kind: GitRepository
  name: cluster-config
  namespace: flux-system
  url: ssh://<org>/cluster-config
    name: read-write-ssh-key
      - matchLabels:

The dev-team1 can refer to the cluster-config repository in their image automation config:

kind: ImageUpdateAutomation
  name: app1
  namespace: dev-team1
    kind: GitRepository
    name: cluster-config
    namespace: flux-system


Admission controllers

An alternative solution to source ACLs is to use an admission controller such as Kyverno or OPA Gatekeeper and allow/disallow cross-namespace access to specific source.

The current proposal offers the same feature but without the need to manage yet another controller to guard sources.

Kubernetes RBAC

Another alternative is to rely on impersonation and create a ClusterRoleBinding per named source and tenant account as described in fluxcd/flux2#582.

The current proposal is more flexible than RBAC and implies less work for Flux users. ALCs act more like Kubernetes Network Policies where access is defined based on labels, with RBAC every time a namespace is added, the platform admins have to create new RBAC rules to target that namespace.

Source reflection CRD

Yet another alternative is to introduce a new API kind SourceReflection as described in fluxcd/flux2#582-821027543.

The current proposal allows the owner to define the access control list on the source object, instead of creating objects in namespaces where it has no control over.

Remove cross-namespace refs

An alternative is to simply remove cross-namespace references from the Flux API.

This would break with current behavior, and users would have to make substantial changes to their repository structure and workflow. In cases where e.g. a resource is common (across many namespaces), this would mean the source-controller would use way more memory and network bandwidth that grows with each namespace that uses the same Git or Helm repository due to the requirement of having to duplicate "common" resources.

Implementation History

  • ACL support for allowing cross-namespace access to ImageRepositories was first released in flux2 v0.23.0.
  • Disabling cross-namespace access to sources was first released in flux2 v0.26.0.