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RFC-0003 Flux Multi-Tenancy Mode

Status: provisional

Creation date: 2021-11-16

Last update: 2022-02-03


For multi-tenant environments, we want to offer an easy way of configuring Flux to enforce tenant isolation (as defined by the Soft Multi-Tenancy model from RFC-0001).

When running in the multi-tenant mode, Flux will lock down access to sources (as defined by RFC-0002), and will use the tenant service account instead of defaulting to cluster-admin.

From an end-user perspective, the multi-tenancy mode means that:

  • Platform admins have to create a Kubernetes service account and RBAC in each namespace where Flux performs source-to-cluster reconciliation on behalf of tenants. By default, Flux will have no permissions to reconcile the tenants sources onto clusters.
  • Source owners have to specify with which tenants they wish to share their sources. By default, nothing is shared between tenants.


As of version 0.26 (Feb 2022), configuring Flux for soft multi-tenancy requires platform admins to:

  • Deny cross-namespace access to Flux custom resources by setting the --no-cross-namespace-refs flag.
  • Enforce impersonation by setting a default service account with the --default-service-account flag.

Instead of using a Kustomize patch to lock down Flux as descried in the multi-tenancy lockdown documentation, we could extend flux install and flux bootstrap and offer a flag to configure Flux with multi-tenancy enforcements.


  • Enforce service account impersonation for source-to-cluster reconciliation.
  • Enforce ACLs for cross-namespace access to sources.


  • Enforce tenant's workload isolation with network policies and pod security standards as described here.


User Stories

Story 1

As a platform admin, I want to install Flux with lowest privilege/permission level possible.

Story 2

As a platform admin, I want to give tenants full control over their assigned namespaces. So that tenants could use their own repositories and manager the app delivery with Flux.

Story 3

As a platform admin, I want to prevent tenants from changing the cluster-wide configuration. If a tenant adds to their repository a cluster-scoped resource such as a namespace or cluster role, Flux should reject the change and notify the tenant that this operation is not allowed.

Multi-tenant Bootstrap

When bootstrapping Flux, platform admins should have the option to lock down Flux for multi-tenant environments e.g.:

flux bootstrap --security-profile=multi-tenant

The security profile flag accepts two values: single-tenant and multi-tenant. Platform admins may switch between the two modes at any time, either by rerunning bootstrap or by patching the Flux manifests in Git.

The multi-tenant profile is just a shortcut to setting the following container args in the Flux deployment manifests:

      - name: manager
          - --default-service-account=flux
          - --enable-source-acl=true

And for disabling cross-namespace references when using the notification API:

kind: Deployment
  name: notification-controller
      - name: manager
          - --no-cross-namespace-refs=true

When running in the multi-tenant mode, Flux behaves differently:

  • The source-to-cluster reconciliation no longer runs under the service account of the Flux controllers. The controller service account, is only used to impersonate the service account specified in the Flux custom resources (Kustomizations, HelmReleases).
  • When no service account name is specified in a Flux custom resource, a default will be used e.g. system:serviceaccount:<tenant-namespace>:flux.
  • When a Flux custom resource (Kustomizations, HelmReleases, ImagePolicies, ImageUpdateAutomations) refers to a source in a different namespace, access is granted based the source access control list. If no ACL is defined for a source, cross-namespace access is denied.
  • When a Flux notification (Alerts, Receivers) refers to a resource in a different namespace, access is denied.

Tenants Onboarding

When onboarding tenants, platform admins should have the option to assign namespaces, set permissions and register the tenants repositories onto clusters in a declarative manner.

The Flux CLI offers an easy way of generating all the Kubernetes manifests needed to onboard tenants:

  • flux create tenant command generates namespaces, service accounts and Kubernetes RBAC with restricted access to the cluster resources, given tenants access only to their namespaces.
  • flux create secret git command generates SSH keys used by Flux to clone the tenants repositories.
  • flux create source git command generates the configuration that tells Flux which repositories belong to tenants.
  • flux create kustomization command generates the configuration that tells Flux how to reconcile the manifests found in the tenants repositories.

All the above commands have an --export flag for generating the Kubernetes resources in YAML format. The platform admins should place the generated manifests in the repository that defines the cluster(s) desired state.

Here is an example of the generated manifests:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
  name: tenant1
apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: flux
  namespace: tenant1
kind: RoleBinding
  name: flux
  namespace: tenant1
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: flux
    namespace: tenant1
kind: GitRepository
  name: tenant1
  namespace: tenant1
  interval: 5m0s
    branch: main
    name: tenant1-git-auth
  url: ssh://
kind: Kustomization
  name: tenant1
  namespace: tenant1
  interval: 10m0s
  path: ./
  prune: true
  serviceAccountName: flux
    kind: GitRepository
    name: tenant1

Note that the cluster-admin role is used in a RoleBinding, this only gives full control over every resource in the role binding's namespace.

Once the tenants repositories are registered on the cluster(s), the tenants can configure their app delivery in Git using Kubernetes namespace-scoped resources such as Deployments, Services, Flagger Canaries, Flux Kustomizations, HelmReleases, ImageUpdateAutomations, Alerts, Receivers, etc.


Instead of introducing the security profile flag to flux bootstrap, we could document how to patch each controller deployment with Kustomize as described in the multi-tenancy lockdown documentation.

Having an easy way of locking down Flux with a single flag, make users aware of the security implications and improves the user experience.

Implementation History

  • Disabling cross-namespace access and providing a default service account was first released in flux2 v0.26.0.