@ -734,3 +734,64 @@ class CommandLineConfigTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual((ctx.returncode, ctx.stdout, ctx.stderr),
(0, '', ''))
def test_parent_config_file(self):
workspace = {'a/b/c/d/e/f/g/a.yml': 'hello: world\n'}
conf = ('---\n'
'extends: relaxed\n')
for conf_file in ('.yamllint', '.yamllint.yml', '.yamllint.yaml'):
with self.subTest(conf_file):
with temp_workspace(workspace):
with RunContext(self) as ctx:
cli.run(('-f', 'parsable', '.'))
self.assertEqual((ctx.returncode, ctx.stdout, ctx.stderr),
(0, './g/a.yml:1:1: [warning] missing '
'document start "---" (document-start)\n',
with temp_workspace({**workspace, **{conf_file: conf}}):
with RunContext(self) as ctx:
cli.run(('-f', 'parsable', '.'))
self.assertEqual((ctx.returncode, ctx.stdout, ctx.stderr),
(0, '', ''))
def test_multiple_parent_config_file(self):
workspace = {'a/b/c/3spaces.yml': 'array:\n'
' - item\n',
'a/b/c/4spaces.yml': 'array:\n'
' - item\n',
'a/.yamllint': '---\n'
'extends: relaxed\n'
' indentation:\n'
' spaces: 4\n',
conf3 = ('---\n'
'extends: relaxed\n'
' indentation:\n'
' spaces: 3\n')
with temp_workspace(workspace):
with RunContext(self) as ctx:
cli.run(('-f', 'parsable', '.'))
self.assertEqual((ctx.returncode, ctx.stdout, ctx.stderr),
(0, './3spaces.yml:2:4: [warning] wrong indentation: '
'expected 4 but found 3 (indentation)\n', ''))
with temp_workspace({**workspace, **{'a/b/.yamllint.yml': conf3}}):
with RunContext(self) as ctx:
cli.run(('-f', 'parsable', '.'))
self.assertEqual((ctx.returncode, ctx.stdout, ctx.stderr),
(0, './4spaces.yml:2:5: [warning] wrong indentation: '
'expected 3 but found 4 (indentation)\n', ''))